Original post by The C modest god Why won't you make a game about being a raper?
You can recruit gangs that will rape the other players whores, so we already have that base covered, and by the way, the correct term is rapist.
Original post by The C modest god Would it be OK with you if your sister or your mother was a whore?
Whatever someone want to do with their life is their own choice. If it upsets you than someone wants to be a whore, or do drugs, or commit suicide, its their decision.
Take a look at yourself and fix your own problems.
Original post by The C modest god Did you ever used drugs?
Without getting into it, yes.
Do everyone a favor, and if you don't have anything constructive to add to this discussion, close your browser, go back to reading your bible, take solice in believing that us heathen will burn in hell, and go away.
For everyone else reading this, I apologize for this jerk, but his reaction tells me that game concept is already a real winner. After the game mechanics are ironed out we will be looking for mission suggestions, so keep your comments comming.
Original post by The C modest god Why won't you make a game about being a raper?
You can recruit gangs that will rape the other players whores, so we already have that base covered, and by the way, the correct term is rapist.
Original post by The C modest god Would it be OK with you if your sister or your mother was a whore?
Whatever someone want to do with their life is their own choice. If it upsets you than someone wants to be a whore, or do drugs, or commit suicide, its their decision.
Take a look at yourself and fix your own problems.
Original post by The C modest god Did you ever used drugs?
Without getting into it, yes.
Do everyone a favor, and if you don't have anything constructive to add to this discussion, close your browser, go back to reading your bible, take solice in believing that us heathen will burn in hell, and go away.
For everyone else reading this, I apologize for this jerk, but his reaction tells me that game concept is already a real winner. After the game mechanics are ironed out we will be looking for mission suggestions, so keep your comments comming.
Why raping only whores? why not raping little children and elderly too? Whats the point on raping whores? Beside trying to make an anti social game, there is nothing in the gameplay which is actually fun or innovative. If you male this game you sure will get attention. But there is a way to get attention. Somone once said: "If you will fart in an elevator full of people, they are all going to remember you. But they will remember that you are a stinking farter" Excuse me if farter is not the correct word to use here, but you get the point. By the way, when a pimp forces you to work as a whore its not "doing with their life whatever they want"
It's all about the wheel.Never blindly trust technoligy.I love my internal organs.Real men don't shower.
Original post by Toolmaker
Original post by The C modest godHow is my improoved signature?It sucks, just like you.
Original post by The C modest god Why raping only whores? why not raping little children and elderly too? Whats the point on raping whores?
Raping whores lowers their stats and empties their cash giving to the opposing player.
Babies in the game serve no point unless they are crack babies. Massing crack babies unlocks powers like crack army.
Children are recruited into gangs. There is no point in raping them, though if you want it could be added as a game feature but it wouldn't have any effect on gameplay.
In Virtual Pimp there are no eldery people because after the age of fifty five they become a burden on society and are killed.
[Edited by - sysrpn on January 25, 2006 11:21:14 AM]
Original post by _winterdyne_ My girlfriend had a fit (in a good way) when we saw 'Pimp Tycoon' on kazaa once, many moons ago... we downloaded having never heard of it elsewhere. She was gutted when it turned out to be Sim Golf. The description was almost the same as this thread. You now must do this game. You have a mission. Do it.
I think part of the description went:
'Take your ho's from the humble beginnings behind a dumpster at the back of McD's to penthouse celebrity whoredom... hook 'em on crack and keep 'em dry to get them in line!'
Will you have dumpsters?
Thats a really good idea. Perhaps around the back of some buildings there will be dumpsters you can throw food into. Later this would attract homeless people from which you could recruit runaway girls. This would be fixed location for low cost whores with a high degree of loyalty.
Well, good luck with your game. I am sure a lot of people would like to play a game where you get points for raping runaway girls because they were hungry for food and went to a dumpster where you have put food. You can also have the pimps make white films about raping babies and murdering people. It is more likely the people that will be willing to play your game are also consumers of real white movies, so it would be wise to add this feature as well.
It's all about the wheel.Never blindly trust technoligy.I love my internal organs.Real men don't shower.
Original post by Toolmaker
Original post by The C modest godHow is my improoved signature?It sucks, just like you.
Original post by The C modest god Well, good luck with your game. I am sure a lot of people would like to play a game where you get points for raping runaway girls because they were hungry for food and went to a dumpster where you have put food. You can also have the pimps make white films about raping babies and murdering people. It is more likely the people that will be willing to play your game are also consumers of real white movies, so it would be wise to add this feature as well.
I would play this game, why? because it sounds like something different. I play games because they are fun, and often have things you don't do in real life.
Would you like to play a game where you lift heavy boxes off one converoy belt, and put them on another, for 8 hours a day? How about a game where you get to try and keep your stress level low enough that you don't snap when you get little old granny calling for the tenth time because she doesn't know what you mean when you say three pronged outlet?
If a game like this offends you, DON"T BUY IT! Kids that use these as "training" are already fucked up enough to not be able to tell the difference between a game and real life, and are a problem already. Should 10 year olds be playing this? Hell no. I know some 20 year olds that shouldn't be allowed to touch a game like this.
The game sounds interesting, and a little different, and I want to know how it turns out.
Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.
Okay, so, all assholes aside... I've been thinking all day while at work of "What would I want from a Pimp Simulator?". I think that most of the bases have definitely been covered already, however, I'm gonna try and come up with some new ideas.
Firstly, can we change the name of the Cracker pimp to White Trash Cracker? He can run around in a wife-beater t-shirt stained yellow in both the front and the back, be missing most of his teeth (as a result of smoking crack) and his pimp-mobile would consist of a ridiculously big truck, lifted three feet off the ground with four-feet tall tires, roll bars and KC lights, among other features. The white-trash cracker pimp, being the ginormous hick/hillbilly/redneck that he is, would focus on peddling crack and brute force to control his "work force". His goons of course would be Billy Bob and Bobby Joe (or other suitable redneck names) who happen to be two obese twin brothers who run around in nothing but a pair of tattered, stained blue-denim overalls.
Note: I may be channelling my step-dad into this role, but if the shoe fits, why not wear it right?
Secondly, I love the idea of bating and enslaving homeless young run-aways, I would never have thought of the idea but it's a thing of beauty. Also, as far as items go, these should not consist of merely pimp-upgrades. A pimp should be able to buy every sick, twisted type of sexually perverted toy to enhance the pleasure of both his whores and his clients, who we all know are dirty little freaks. This can include bondage stuff, giant black dildos or any other sick things that can be thought of. These upgrades would probably be whore-specific, so you could basically "equip" a whore with these items and they would serve to boost her morale or her money influx as a result.
Also, it is absolutely crucial that as whores slip into becoming "crack whores" the animation changes to make them look ever-more like walking skeletons so that a player can have a clear idea of which whores are doing too many drugs.
Perhaps a pimp(the greasy guido italian?) could also own a strip club, and use it as a front for his pimp empire, as many do.
In an idea that actually happened to come from Mister Conservative up there, why not, when the pimp becomes succesful enough, allow him to branch out and begin to hire other mini-pimps to help handle his girls, collect the cash and peddle the drugs to school children.
I remember back when I was in high school there was a ghetto called "Little Africa" like right across the street, and there was a park where the local drug dealers and whores would all hang out.