Original post by NickGeorgia
Thanks for answering my questions. I didn't know you worked on EEGs before.
Yep, I worked on seizure prediction for a couple of years. I found that basically all of the techniques based on time series analysis were doomed to fail because while they could identify a pre-seizure state, they had no way of rejecting false positives. Pre-epiliptic events are too easily mis-classified, even when using non-linear analysis techniques. I believe that a true seizure predictor would have to be aware of the patients physiological state, not just their electroencephalographic state... and we require far more localised information than standard scalp electrodes can supply. I found my best results from embedded electrode arrays... but that doesn't help a patient who wants to wear a monitor out to dinner! ;)
You seem to have a very comprehensive knowledge of techniques and experience and your answers are very thoughtful.
Thanks... I'm a research academic in AI with a diverse background (maths, physics, computing, philosophy). Hopefully that knowledge (and those many decades at school 8( ) can help others, even just a little.
I was sad to hear about Eric Dybsand. He sounded like a very nice and respected individual active in the AI community (from reading the comments on the memorial website). I would have liked to known him.
My interactions with him were limited to these forae, but in the few years that I knew him I always found him to be thoughtful, intelligent and extremely giving of his time and energy. He is sorely missed from our community. It's a shame that Steve doesn't call around any more. He too was a respected and important member of the Indie community and he is missed. If you do happen to read this Steve, let us know whats happening with you!