Original post by GameFreeek "your manners're worthless UNLESS YOU TREAT OTHERS POLITELY."
Sorry but your barking up the wrong tree. He asked a specific question having stated that he already knew the answer. I answered just that question and added CAPS to emphasise the important part of the sentence and provided a link to a full explanation. There was nothing rude about the post nor is there anything rude about the fact that I chose not to type a longer answer about what he should do with his idea.
He then asked the same question AGAIN and again I replied politely and with a full explanation of the realities of business and what he needs to do to get his idea made.
Instead of criticising others because you feel they haven't given the right information why not spend the same amount of effort actually answering the OP's question yourself.
Original post by GameFreeek So what if he hoped for someone to do it for him? Did he killed someone you have to be so hard on him and label his idea as worthless?
He also already read all the other posts, topics and articles on the subject and still asked if he could get a game company to look at it. The answer was the same in all the other material he read and he still had to ask it. Twice. Obviously, the point needed to be hammered home.
Please try taking these statements in context. If had accepted the original not so harsh answer in the first place, there would have been no reason to use the harsh response.
Now I read previous articles about how IDEAS were apparently worth nothing. To me an idea is like getting a thought of what you think will be good for example, 'Hmm, jelly and chocolate with carrots may be good'. That's a poor example, but anyway what I asked was (and prehaps this was poorly worded so I'll rewrite it) on the lines of 'Does a detailed PLAN count for nothing?', that's not an idea, that's a plan written on paper, with conceptual drawings, maybe even demo's or short clips of game-play, on no site have I read about things like approaching with a company with a plan.
So Obscure I didn't say I knew the answer, I only knew that idea's were useless, I was just asking if a detailed plan fell into the category of idea or not? And if not coyuld I get anywhere with it?
You can start by working for a gaming company, well document your idea, then when its time, they should let you participate in some of their meetings, if they asked for a proposal, you can submit yours.
To get into the gaming industry, you need some luck and opportunity, with suitable resume, you can call them and ask for a job opening.
If you want a proper format of a design documentation/proposal, some books should have them, or you can directly ask a professional (who're willing to tell you), or get your friend who works in the industry to smuggle one out for you. It did happen, to my other friend, too bad my pal was too drunk at that time to seriously read it, what a waste =(.
First of all, it's faster to get your idea made into a game - provided it's a reasonable and feasible project - as an independent. Secondly, there are tons of free design documents available on the internet; no need to "smuggle one out" or work at a company solely for that reason.
Third, documentation still isn't much. Why should a company make your design, even if you work for them? Why should a bunch of strangers on the internet work on your idea? Either you're providing funding, or you have the skills and determination to demonstrate that the project has a high likelihood of success.
But this is all stuff that Obscure and SiCrane and countless others have said already. Your "advice" contradicts all the indications and resources that we have, and is not immediately backed up by any credentials. Your reaction to the comments in this thread also makes your contribution suspect as overly sympathetic and perhaps under-informed.
Original post by OdHero I was just asking if a detailed plan fell into the category of idea or not? And if not coyuld I get anywhere with it?
And I answered. The answer was "Yes they are useless without the means (a team) to produce the game.
In my first reply I provided a link http://www.obscure.co.uk/faq_idea.shtml to a full explanation of why your idea (fully documented or otherwise) won't get made into a game. Did you read it?
"Secondly, there are tons of free design documents available on the internet;" Then give OdHero a few links, I recall reading a good one written by Sunandshadow. I also said "some books should have them". These're all alternatives. It'd be nice to see all types of doc (free ones, professional ones, books etc), not just the ones from the net, be resourceful.
"no need to "smuggle one out" or work at a company solely for that reason." Work in a company, learn the means to develope a game from working experience, not just for doc smuggling. You can learn by yourself, these are alternatives too, but it'd be nice to do both. Its all up to you.
"Third, documentation still isn't much. Why should a company make your design, even if you work for them?" Like I said "when its time, they should let you participate in some of their meetings, if they asked for a proposal". When its time. If you're good enough, you will be given chance. It wont hurt to be ambitious.
"Why should a bunch of strangers on the internet work on your idea? Either you're providing funding, or you have the skills and determination to demonstrate that the project has a high likelihood of success." "learn to program/write" That's why I told him to learn skills. "gather a group of pals" Pals, not necessary strangers, can be his real life friends, or other volunteers. Develope with friends, let the company develope it, all alternatives, all up to you.
IF "this is all stuff that Obscure and SiCrane and countless others have said already." AND "Your "advice" contradicts all the indications and resources that we have" THEREFORE all stuff that Obscure and SiCrane and countless others have said already contradicts all the indications and resources that we have.
"and is not immediately backed up by any credentials." Use your logical judgement, choose the ones you find logical and feasible.
"Your reaction to the comments in this thread also makes your contribution suspect as overly sympathetic and perhaps under-informed." Your reaction to my comments in this thread also makes your contribution suspect as overly aggressive. How bout teaching OdHero more stuffs he need to know, kindly?
It sure feels weird that my msgs attract attentions of you mods and staffs. But I assure you, its unintended, I just want people to treat beginners less harshly.
Give advise to OdHero, dont waste too many posts commenting on my advises. Your job's to help people.
[Edited by - GameFreeek on January 16, 2006 8:28:35 AM]
Original post by GameFreeek He joined this forum, he asked a question. That's a pretty good start dont you think? At least he's not sitting on his arse.
Most people have chairs near thier computers desk.
Pronouncing you want to do something is very easy. If you haven't starterd doing it, than yes, you are sitting on your arse.
-----------------------------------------Everyboddy need someboddy!
Original post by GameFreeek He joined this forum, he asked a question. That's a pretty good start dont you think? At least he's not sitting on his arse.
Most people have chairs near thier computers desk.
Pronouncing you want to do something is very easy. If you haven't starterd doing it, than yes, you are sitting on your arse.
Planning is a phase of development. Everyone can do it, but doesnt mean its not a good start. Given enough proper guidance, one will achieve his dream in no time.
And many people, including me, works while sitting on a chair. =)
And yes Obscure the link was helpful, I apologize that I did not check it, after seeing the first sentence I thought it was a flmae post, at least I know now that without any experince there's to little a chance anyone would even look at my plan, wheter detailed or not. More reason to get experienced.