
Some questions about XCode

Started by December 21, 2005 04:42 PM
3 comments, last by Sijmen 18 years, 9 months ago
Hi, I have some questions about XCode. I'm using XCode 2.1 on Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger), with the latest updates. 1. After each failed compilation I'm getting this message in the error list: Command /Developer/Private/Jam failed with exit code 1. The message won't dissapear after a successfull recompile, so after a good day of work it's filled with tons of these messages. 2. Is it possible to profile my C++ program with built-in tools with XCode? 3. How to use Java 1.5? 4. Continuing on question 1: when having a failed compilation with Java, not only does that error message appear - it is the only one. To see the actual Java error messages I have to open the error message window by double clicking Errors and Warnings. Can this be fixed? 5. Is there any kind of CVS or SVN integration with XCode? Thanks for any help.
First things first, register for an ADC account. The basic membership is free and gets you access to new versions of developer tools (latest Xcode release is 2.2), and a small selection of prerelease software and SDKs.

Quote: After each failed compilation I'm getting this message in the error list: Command /Developer/Private/Jam failed with exit code 1. The message won't dissapear after a successfull recompile, so after a good day of work it's filled with tons of these messages.

I've had problems with redundant messages, but I don't think they've ever stuck around after a rebuild. Try downloading 2.2 and if you still have problems submit a bug report to Apple.

Quote: Is it possible to profile my C++ program with built-in tools with XCode?

Yup! Under the Debug menu, choose "Launch Using Performance Tool" and then "Shark."

Quote: Continuing on question 1: when having a failed compilation with Java, not only does that error message appear - it is the only one. To see the actual Java error messages I have to open the error message window by double clicking Errors and Warnings. Can this be fixed?

Not sure about that one. See if the problem is still there in 2.2 and if it is, submit a bug report.

Quote: How to use Java 1.5?

If you don't have it already, download it. You'll then have to select Java 5 as the default in the Java Preferences program under /Applications/Utilities/Java.

Quote: Is there any kind of CVS or SVN integration with XCode?

It supports both. See the appropriate sections in "Xcode Help" (accessible from the help menu).
Free Mac Mini (I know, I'm a tool)
I'm registered with ADC (even got the student membship ^_^). And ehm, I was mistaking, I'm using 2.2 already.

About Java: thanks, I've been looking for that for ages. How did I ever miss that.


I can't get Shark to work. I've installed CHUD. Then, I've launched XCode, and ran my program with the tool. However, when I click start, Shark gives an error message:

"CHUDProf.kext not loaded. There may be a problem with you CHUD installation. [CHUDDataSource]"

I've tried rebooting, removing and reïnstalling CHUD, and don't know what to do next. Any idea?

[Edited by - Sijmen on December 22, 2005 2:57:37 AM]
-shameless bump-
The problem was fixed by downloading a newever version of the Shark suite which was recently released.

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