Original post by PaulCesar
But this is where it will hurt. Everyone that developes say.. a game based server (such as an MMORPG, MUD, etc) that uses open source code, will have to make the source code to that publicly availiable.
Only if they are using versions of this kit which are licenced under the new GPL. Code licenced under the old one will continue to be so forever.
This causes many.. and i mean MANY problems:
1) With people having access to the server code, they will be able to find vulnerabilities and take advantage of them.
Well, you should't have any :)
2) Competition will be able to legaly copy your codebase
Right, but the GPL will still apply to them. Plus also, your game data, tools, util programs not covered by the GPL are still entirely private and covered by normal copyright rules.
3) Fans will be able to make servers, removing any real profit margin from running a subscription based service.
Still not a problem, as they will have to create 100% of their own original content, as your game content will not be covered by GPL.
EDIT: This will completely demolish the profit margin for creating subscription based software that utilizes any GPL code , as well as some companies that make there money based on services which rely on a server using an GPL based codepath for the basis of the application.
Not necessarily. I'd argue that the real value is being created by
- The act of running the servers themselves
- The game content
Thankfully, banking institutions have a thing against using OpenSource software, or we could really be in trouble.
In what way would having your bank release the source code to their online banking application cause trouble?
But the same can not be said about the online gaming industry.
MySQL is not the only open source database.
The one which immediately springs to mind is SQLite, which is licenced under a much less restrictive licence than GPL.
It certainly doesn't prevent you using it in this manner.
Finally, the clincher:
Commercial licences ARE available for MySQL