
Has anyone looked at C#?

Started by January 05, 2001 01:11 PM
6 comments, last by thed77 24 years, 2 months ago
I went to MSDN to look at the C# beta language specification. Guess what I found. I found that this "new" language looks an awful lot like Java. Maybe they should have called it Expreso or Malta. Take a look if you haven''t. Post what you think.
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I''m sure C# is just another language that''s going to try to de-throne C++ (including C, since C is a subset of C++) as the best general purpose language. Why do all of these "new" languages all look so similar to C++?

Until they prove that it really is crossplatform I think it is worthless. It''s a VB killer not a Java killer. Looks like a sloppy form of Java from what I have seen. All object oriented languages look similar. I am sure there is some language that popped up before C++ that C++ looks a lot like.

I wanrned you! Didn''t I warn you?! That colored chalk was forged by Lucifer himself!

Opere Citato
"... we should have such an empire for liberty as she has never surveyed since the creation ..."Thomas Jefferson
Here''s my question... how do you say C#? "C Pound" or "C Number" or something completely different maybe?
I belive I read an article by a programmer on Microsoft''s site. He was saying how the language was beneficial and whatnot. In the talkback section of the article the writer of the article stated that C# was not crossplatform (since people was arguing about it). C# is just another language for Windows that might make Windows programming a lot easier, I guess. I''ll stick to C/C++ for now. And I believe that it was something similar to the object oriented C++, but don''t remember.

C# is pronounced C Sharp.

C# (or verbally C sharp), may or may not be a good concept. C++ is starting to grow rather shakey, being founded on a language (C) that was created decades ago, and trying to be OOP in the days when OOP wasn''t nearly as well researched and thought out as it is today. An overhaul is a good idea, but I''ll be damned if Microsoft are the ones to do it. They have proven they are worthless at creating languages (*cough* Visual Basic *cough*) and compilers. They also have a history of going against portable code (*cough* Visual Basic *cough*). I refuse to use C# unless the whole world turns stupid and starts using it and then I have no real choice if I wish to have skills useful in this world. The only thing MS has done well is IE, and that''s only relative (no better browser is available), since IE has more than it''s share of bugs and annoyances. Let''s stick with Java, with some work it can become the next language of choice. Go the C# route, and you are automatically buying into .NET, and thus handing MS the computer world on a silver platter with a gold lining.

And those that are about to fire off about the advantages of VB, get Delphi from Borland. The older versions of Delphi are even free I believe, so if you wanna try it out, you dont have to shell out ur life''s savings first.
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Java will never be "the language of choice" because it is owned by Sun. Proprietary (i.e. not open/standard) languages in my opinion are not that great. Java has a lot of problems, a major one being operator overloading.

I''m not trying to bash Java, and yes, Microsoft is trying to move into position to replace Java with C#, but Microsoft is submitting C# to a standards comittee. That is a "good thing".

.NET and the MSIL will allow many different programming languages to work together (as long as there is a compiler that will spit out MSIL for the given language).

I''m looking forward to C# because, in my opinion, it is a better language than VB. Then again, I''m fairly impressed with Microsoft''s new VB 7. It finally gets rid of the old "On Error Goto xxxx" crap and uses try/catch/finally blocks (SEH - Structured Exception Handling).

Just my thoughts.

Dire Wolf
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