struct ObjNode
Object object;
ObjNode* next;
class Object
ObjList* Children;
The above code is just to sort of clarify my question... not actual code
Anyway, I''ve got a bunch of world/object/etc stuff. I want some classes to have a linked list in them, and this linked list might need an instance of the class. How can I do this? Is there a way to declare the class before using it in the struct?
BTW - Don''t say anything about the code; it''s late and I just jotted it down
Ima Genius: *watches Agent compile the program, run it, and Agen''t cd rom tray opens and computer catches on fire*
Ima Genius: You''re an operator in a phone company and you have to connect all the calls right and if you do, Asheron calls you and tells you "Good job!" :D