
What language is Good for RPG's?

Started by January 01, 2001 10:30 PM
16 comments, last by Mcloude_IGN 24 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for all the advice guys.C++ seems to be the way to go. One thing is I know a guy who works for a company that specializes in Java. He says Java is the way to go that the industry is starting to turn towards Java. I have a few books on C++. One of the problems is I dont want to learn a language that is going to be obsolete in a few years. Will C++ still be around a few years from now? What kind of software do I need to put together a blockbuster RPG?
"... Java is the way to go that the industry is starting to turn towards Java."

I dont reaslly think the entire industry is turning twards Java.. it has an extreamly long was to go and a really bad side effect - many java programs/applets can be reversed engineered into native java code, I forget the name of the program but it''s out there, that and the fact that java really eats up system resources (its a high-level API, calling high-level functions that call low-level functions)

"Will C++ still be around a few years from now?"

A few years? its been around since the early 70''s ( i belive) and as far as I can tell it will be around for some time to come (10+ years?)

"What kind of software do I need to put together a blockbuster RPG?"

A good machine. Time. Visual C++ 6.0, SPARC workstation, Digitaly sampled sounds, movies (AVI, MPG), Real-time 3d engine with fog, mirrors, glass distortions. oh yeah, a storyline helps too.

"... Java is the way to go that the industry is starting to turn towards Java."

I dont reaslly think the entire industry is turning twards Java.. it has an extreamly long was to go and a really bad side effect - many java programs/applets can be reversed engineered into native java code, I forget the name of the program but it''s out there, that and the fact that java really eats up system resources (its a high-level API, calling high-level functions that call low-level functions)

"Will C++ still be around a few years from now?"

A few years? its been around since the early 70''s ( i belive) and as far as I can tell it will be around for some time to come (10+ years?)

"What kind of software do I need to put together a blockbuster RPG?"

A good machine. Time. Visual C++ 6.0, SPARC workstation, Digitaly sampled sounds, movies (AVI, MPG), Real-time 3d engine with fog, mirrors, glass distortions. oh yeah, a storyline helps too.

I know where to get VB C++. How much does all this software cost? What 3d engines do you guys recomend? I am writing the storyline right now, itis going to be very complex. I might sell it to Squaresoft they have already offered me lots of money for it. I would rather do everything myself along with my company though
If you want a good advice, if Squaresoft really did offer you lots of money for your game, SELL IT !!!
---All you base are belong to us !
Yes they did. I need to copyright first so they wont steal it.
Well good for you man. Good luck to you!
Well, that was surprising

Quotes said around the hylix office:
Well then, that was screwed.
By the way, how much are we running at again? Nothing?
And the trained monkey presses the button and gets a banana. But what he doesn''t know is that it''s a Microsoft banana. What a bitter pill, er, banana, to swallow.
If you''re telling me I have no budget for my project AGAIN this month, I''m sticking your hamster in the microwave! Wait, you don''t have a hamster. Quick! I need a new evil plan!

Quotes from #gamedev:
So, "flame thrower" Smurf? - TANSTAAFL
you''ll need a nuclear slide rule and a nuclear boxed lunch - SteelGolem

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