

Started by November 18, 2005 11:01 PM
2 comments, last by I_Smell_Tuna 18 years, 11 months ago
sorry if this is already up, but I posted right when the site was coming down. My name is listed as the most recent poster for this forum, but I don't see my thread. Anyway, I just had a hypothetical question: At what point of wild success (of online sales) should an indie look into physical distribution? What is the process for this, costs, etc?
You need a way to produce the game. You'll need suppliers for the materials to make the copies, a storage place for the complete copies and raw materials. You also need a method to distribute bulk quantaties to retail distribution centers. You also need to advertise your game, websites, magazines, television, stores etc. You could probably do it for around $500,000.

[Edited by - I_Smell_Tuna on November 30, 2005 7:49:44 PM]
Obviously you're looking for help/information, and not what was just posted.

Physical production/distribution is going to depend a lot on your actual title.

If you're producing a low-budget title without stellar graphics/production values, you're going to have a near impossible time of getting into major retailers. You'd best strike up a relationship with the owners/managers at some local indie shops in your area. They might carry your title, and may be able to convince others to carry it. Also, this method would be self-dsitribution, a must if you have a low-budget title.

Physical distribution with a high-budget title would be easier, as you could convince a current distributor to handle your title and get it into major retailers. I don't know of any distributors off hand, but you can do a search for them. What they would do, is list you in their circular, and then retailers would take note and order the game.

Physical production isn't very expensive nor space consuming, so long as you do it reasonably.

Through DiscMakers (, we can get a CD in a clear DVD case (with color printing on both sides of the slip), color printing on the disc, a 20 page color manual, and polywrap for $5 per disc, if we order 1000 discs. I can store those in my living room.

So, the cost isn't bad at all. If you need any more info, feel free to post.
Quote: What is the process for this, costs, etc?

I guess I only answered the second question. For part two...

I would look in to physical distribution as soon as there seems to be a demand for your game. Making your own copies of the game can be much cheaper and you should be able to produce copies for as little as a dollar or two. Google 'cd duplication' and you should get some sites with the equipment needed to start up, which is relatively cheap.

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