
Linux C++ Using Emacs -- Need compiler

Started by November 11, 2005 01:40 PM
13 comments, last by abdulla 18 years, 10 months ago
Okay I'm beginning a project in C++ using Emacs (an OpenGL project). I am at a loss of what compilers I have to work with... Obviously I cannot begin with that question looming. I've never programmed C++ in Linux yet, I've been spoiled by Visual Studio the whole time. I feel stupid asking this because I compile programs a lot for installation... It just never clicked in... Any advice would be great.
The standard C/C++ compiler on linux is called gcc. Type "info gcc" for more information.
--AnkhSVN - A Visual Studio .NET Addin for the Subversion version control system.[Project site] [IRC channel] [Blog]
Before you start any project, here are a few tips.

1) Get familiar with your editor first. Emacs especially. If you don't know a basic understanding of the commands you won't get any work done.

2) Get familiar with the most commonly used gcc options, or at least know where to find them.

3) Introduce yourself to make. You should know how to write at least a simple makefile.

4) Not as important when you're starting, but it will be eventually... gdb.

LiDN is pretty cool too.

1 and 2 are probably the most important, but 3 and 4 will make your life easier.
Yes, I fiddled with Emacs for a few days.
Read tons of tutorials.

I have gcc, but decided since I found first Intel's C++ Compiler to stick with that. So far the only difference is in calling it, 'icc'.

Makefiles, ugh....
WAsted hours on this one, still wasting time and still cannot get it to work...
I wrote a simple Hello.cpp which is the one-liner HelloWorld app

#include <iostream>
using std::cout

int main()
cout << "Hello World";

Care to show me a make file to compile this one file.
Makefile tutorial

You usually use makefiles when you have more than 1 file.
When your projects get a little bigger, there are three ways to go:

1) automake -- generates extremely verbose make files for you, based on another syntax; uses recursive make

2) your own make system of custom make files; typically implemented using recursiv e make

3) self-generating, dependency-accurate, non-recursive cross-project make

Needless to say, I champion option 3 :-) I have a few sample make files that make that all "go" on my web site. The extra-cool part of it is that it does automatic dependency tracking (so that all files that include bar.h re-compile when you edit that file) -- that's NOT a standard feature for UNIX make files! And it does this without any pre-process or "makedepend" step! (NOT usually done on UNIX!) And it's fast! (not common among automated, recursive make systems)

Sorry, I'm getting away from myself there...

here's a command line that'll build and link your program using GCC:

gcc -o myprogram main.cpp -lstdc++

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
I suggest ussing the g++ compiler for C++ programs. Also as far as text editors go, while emacs is fine, I suggest gvim/vim. Its very simple but also has many usefull features. And I couldn't help but notice you are only using cout. It's good practice to using namespace std that way you have access to all the iostream functions. And makefiles are kinda like scripts to do all the compiling for you
use g++ for a c++ program and use gcc for a c program and also javac for java
Quote: Original post by nethackpro
Also as far as text editors go, while emacs is fine, I suggest gvim/vim.

That's also my choice (I never could get my head around EMACS).
However, today I tried Eclipse's new CDT 3.0.1 (C++ plugin) and it was quite usable, more so than Visual C++ 2005 Express. It features code templates and that is what I am missing most in VC++ 2005 Express/VS 2003.
As someone who uses emacs a lot, I actually suggest not starting with it. The big advantage of emacs is that I work a lot remotely. If you do all your editing on your local system, then the advantages of a console editor diminish a bit.

I highly suggest you start out using a GUI editor ('Kate' is pretty good). Emacs is really quite powerful, but you can get to that later... In the short term, you're going to have enough things getting in your way in such a new and different environment. One less obstacle will lead to a lot less frustation.

Oh, and use gcc. 4.0 is quite nice.

The primary difference between the 'gcc' and 'g++' executables is that 'g++' automatically links against the c++ standard library.

"gcc -lstdc++" == "g++"

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