
Good linux dist?

Started by November 10, 2005 04:21 AM
11 comments, last by Basiror 18 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I would like to download one of those linux dists that you can run directly from cd (btw, what is their name?). I would like you to suggest me one of them, a good one (plz not flamewars) considering these requirements: -Should be fast (both to load and to run). -Doesn't require exothic devices to be recognized, so keep it simple. -Must be VERY easy to use: I'm not a linux expert, and I would use it only in those situations where I cannot use the on system OS (it does not start, I'v just formatted, or something like this). By the way, how do work those USB pens linux dists? Thank you.
Great to hear! There are quite a few different distributions, and you'll hear different opinions about all of them from different people.

That being said, since you're new to the whole thing, I'd recommend "Linux for Human Beings": Ubuntu Linux ( ). It's designed to be easy to use, and it's also one of the most popular distributions right now. It's based on Debian (which is rock-solid and one of the oldest distributions around), and it has one of the best package managers (APT, from Debian), which will make new software installation an absolute snap if you decide to install the distro on your hard drive.

I should say I haven't actually used ubuntu linux's liveCD, but I do use Debian which it is based on, and Ubuntu's reputation in the linux community speaks for itself. I'd say it's the BEST place to start.

If you want some more choices, you can also look into the knoppix liveCD (which was the original liveCD as far as I know, and is still pretty user-friendly), and see for comprehensive information on just about every distribution (liveCD and non). Most of the regular distributions have a liveCD version (just like ubuntu).

As for running linux off a USB stick, I think most of the liveCD distributions have some extra command you can type on boot (or you can burn a new CD with the default) that will let you keep your profile information on the USB stick, and your system stuff is all on the CD. I'm sure there are also linux distro's that actually BOOT off of a USB flash drive if that's what you mean, but a.) I've never used one, and b.) I would guess they're mostly for experienced linux users, as I can't imagine windows comes with any kind of tool to make a bootable USB drive, and usually they don't make windows exe's for installing hardcore linux distributions (because all the hardcore users have linux).
Ubuntu as the previous poster said.
Another nameless person in the virtual space...
Thank you both. Yes, I'm new to Live distros, but not to linux itself, since I already tried Mandrake (some years ago), Debian and now use Suse (9.1). But I don't work a lot with it, so i'm not an expert and don't feel like studing dozens of commands if I can use an easier window manager (for setup, expecially).

I just noticed that Suse has a LiveCD distro, so using it as LiveCD should make it easier, but I already heard both Knoppix and Ubuntu. I think I will take a look to Ubuntu then.
Thank you very much!
Unbuntu's LiveCD version works great. I really recommend trying it out!

If only I didn't need certain software which runs only on Windows...oh well, dual boot works as well.
Id say another vote for Ubuntu. It is the best.
Jacob Hammack
gnoppix or knoppix
Another vote for Ubuntu! I really haven't done much more than surf the net and play some of the little games, but it works well. Linux for Human Beings, and me too!
I'd also say Ubuntu.

In my experience, though, a LiveCD will always be slower than an equivalent hard drive install simply because it has to read everything from the CD.
MEPIS is a nice live cd.

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