
Character Progression

Started by November 07, 2005 02:54 PM
1 comment, last by 19 years, 3 months ago
I have a question for sunandshadow you wrote this in a sticky. Main Character/Impact Character Complementarity - Most stories will have a main character and another character who has the most impact on the first character because the two characters have either opposite goals, or opposite methods for trying to achieve the same goal. In any story one of these characters should be forced by the plot to change their goal/approch, while the other character remains steadfast in their goal/approach. This is how you as a writer present a moral about what people should do or how they should do it to your audience. The character who changes does not necessarily have to be changing from the 'wrong way' to the 'right way'; a story with an unhappy ending suggests that the steadfast character was wrong and too stubborn or blind to change, and the dynamic character got dragged down too by not being strong-willed or faithful enough. I have two characters in my story Chaotic Universe. Kris is the main character and Tonya is more than anything the impact character. I personally request that you Should read their character profiles and tell me if my characters follow the Main Character/Impact Character Complementarity, and if its a bad thing or not. *** KRIS WILSON/ BAD WINDS KRIS Height: 5'9" Weight: 125 and a half pounds Blood Type: AB Birth date: July 6th , 1985 Birthplace: Torrance, California(USA) Nationality: From America(African American) Superior Techniques: “Dark Fist” , “Hiroku Sakii”, “Shun Goku Satsu (Instant Hell Murder)(CU2)”, “Faces of Death” (CU2) “and Dark Kick(CUF)” Likes: Exotic girls, Capcom games, Anime, and a good challenge Dislikes: Stuck-up girls, Grand Theft Auto, and bad fighters Fighting style: Ansatsuken and Dark Elemental Skills, Learns Bad Winds during CUF Interesting Fact: Kris is based on CU’s creator Christopher Wilson He is known for: His great fighting and elemental skills, becuase it appears very hard to be good at both. And killing Earon. Character flaw: He gets easily annoyed and irritated very quickly. Which results in him making rash decisions out of anger and irritation. Character strength: As Bad Winds Kris he is his strongest, because the Bads Winds spell makes him only care for two people, himself and his wife Anna(who is also affected by the Bad Winds spell) and by Bad Wind Anna's battles you can obviously tell that she is strong enough to take care of herself. That makes Bad Winds Kris almost emotionless and free to kill anyone, except for Seven.(who was programmed to act like him) CU Series appearances: Chaotic Universe, Chaotic Universe 2: Universe Wars, Chaotic Universe Final: Revelations. First Appearance: Chaotic Universe (Genesis Saga) Funny Thing he does: Sets up a date with Anna and tells her they’ll be alone but agrees to a double date that same night with Daraun and Brandi. Boldest move: Throws his pride out of the window and gives Tonya the letter that he stole back to her at the end of Chaotic Universe Final. Chaotic Universe: Kris is the main character of this story, he is 17 years old and a senior in high school. At the beginning he has a crush on Tonya Muse and the first Saga(Genesis) mainly deals with his encounters with her and introduces Kris as a whole. He is chosen to be the defender of the Andiron Universe, an alternate reality, he really doesn’t take it seriously and thanks to his carelessness he not only drags his best friend Daraun, but his two other friends Brandi and Anna into the fray and his rivals Tonya, Gabriel, Daniel and Angela. Kris plays a superbly minor role in the Drasil Universe Saga when he is defeated by the Fire Beast, he does later get to train his Darkness techniques a little more. He actually puts his money where his mouth is during the Elemental Masters Saga and brings about a small tournament. He defeats Kyu and Dan(in a tag match with Daraun), Chigau (actually he forfeits), and Earon (who escapes with Chigau). Kris is now known as at least good fighter and gets major attention from “God-Tech” bringing about an face off with Alpha who evolves into a stronger Omega. This was a rough battle for Kris and just about everyone tries to help. But Kris actually defeats Omega with the help of his serious rival Gabriel. Kris enters the final test of his first adventure against the universe beasts he battles Shade and wins(with Daraun’s help, see Battles Section for CU1), Hikage(was actually Tonya’s battle but Kris and Brandi interfered using the CBT*See CU1 Battle Section and/or Tonya’s CU1 capsule.), and he finally faces off against Ten Ken. Kris seems to be dominating but Ten Ken is very strong, Kris gets another win with help from Chigau and Tonya with the “Dark Metal Strike” (CBT). Kris ends CU1 with a rather meaningless battle with Gabriel but does reveal his new superior technique the “Hiroku Sakii”. Chaotic Universe 2: Universe Wars:Kris's evolution from arrogant badass to a more responsible leader is evident in this story. Kris makes his first appearance of CU2 training of course, Anna who was training with Tonya joins Kris right at the beginning. Daarin summons Kris again, he tells Kris that La and Na cast a spell on the Normal and Andiron Universes granting normal people universal powers. Many that received the powers were corrupt and began a universe war, looting and destroying until they could claim the AU or NU as their own. La and Na extended special powers to "Tha Syndicate"(who as you know were enemies with Kris in High School) and they proceed to take over the NU. This is irrelevant to Kris's story because he was with the New X Team during these events(see CU2 Story for details). At this point Kris is on Mt. Fuji, training his new superior technique the "Shun Goku Satsu", he and Anna are bonding like never before. While on Mt. Fuji Kris proposes to Anna[official] and Anna accepts. At the beginning of the Exodus Saga Kris and his team were being briefed on the events of the Universe War, and the EM. Kris is surprised to hear "Tha Syndicate's" name but finds out that Daraun, Brandi and Sora are already fighting them. Kris is sent off to the Andiron Universe to deal with the war threat there, he immediately runs into a new enemy, the Tai Gang. Kris easily defeats Tai, Anna beats Nemo, Damien beats Dash, Mai, Jessica, and Sean beat Guy. The group continues on and run into trouble yet again in the form of Chigau, Solara, Kyu, and Dan. Chaotic Universe Final: Revelations: Where is he now?: In Cerritos, California and married to Anna with their first daughter Sharon who was born at the end of CUF. He has his own studio “Titan Studio” and is working for Capcom which was his dream after all. Miscellaneous Notes: Kris is by no means just an arrogant SOB who happens to get the chance at being a hero, he just demands one thing ,a person’s respect Kris has a different color headband for almost everything he wears. Kris’s Gi is a dark purple. His conflict with Tonya during CU1 was not about Tonya not wanting to go out with him, he said that himself [official] , but the disrespect she showed in saying no. You might wonder why Kris doesn’t have a superior technique with the Ryu-to, well he does it’s “Dark Sword” but it’s not really a move he just emits darkness into his sword. By the way Chigau taught him this technique during CU2. Kris is not a shrewd leader he just demands that whatever group he is in to not make foolish mistakes. A good example of that is shown in The Gathering Saga of CU2. Kris won the Universal Tournament by beating Gabriel [official] Final Statement: “I told you that my life wasn’t perfect and it never will be, but it evolved. I went from having petty arguments and holding grudges to saving the universe and being a father. I met many people these past ten and half years, some good, some bad, and some that were just plain terrible. But they all had some good in them, everyone of them. I gave ten and a half years of my life to help others something I had never done before, everything that has happened to me was fate being chosen to defend the Andiron Universe and even my friends being apart of it, and Tonya too. The letter all of it was fate. I’m very proud of me and Anna’s marriage she’s really made me stronger in everything I do and she’s the official artist for my games and the mother of my baby girl Sharon. Daraun is my best friend no matter what and he supported me on anything no matter what it was, I hope that he and Brandi have a long and happy marriage. Brandi was a big part of my prideful personality and I thank her for that. And finally Tonya, my baby girl’s godmother, she helped me a lot too even though she dissed me a few times, she showed me that strength comes from honor and spirit. She’s been through a lot this past decade and she is still searching for answers I hope you find them Tonya and you will always be in my heart. I also hope that you can find that special someone, fate told me that it wasn’t you and that it was Anna, whoever it is shouldn’t only want to be with you because of your beauty but your inner strength too. I forgot to mention my dad and Chigau, sorry you two. I’m done with fighting I want to make more games and spend time with my new family so I bid you all farewell and remember if you ever get chosen to defend the Andiron Universe take the chance you may get something out of it. But be careful because it truly is a Chaotic Universe.” *** TONYA MUSE Height: 5'10" Weight: 127 pounds Blood Type: B Birth date: March 2nd , 1986 Birthplace: Menifee, California(USA) Nationality: From America (Half Samoan and Half Caucasian) Superior Technique: “Metal Palm Strike”, “Metal Spreader”(CU2), Metal Fist(CUF) Likes: Nice looking guys, music, and walks on the beach Dislikes: Kris(for some part of the story), Getting advice(especially about Kris), and arrogant people. Fighting style: Metal Elemental Skills and Normal Combat Skills(most likely Karate) Interesting Fact: Tonya is the strongest female character overall. She is known for: Her powerful techniques which are hard to control. And killing Jing (since Jing at that time was considered to be the most powerful female in all three universes) [official] CU series appearances: Chaotic Universe, Chaotic Universe2: Universe Wars, Chaotic Universe Final: Revelations First Appearance: Chaotic Universe(Genesis Saga) Funny thing she does: Slaps the shit out of Angela when Angela tells her that she’s in love with Kris during CU1. Boldest Move: Betraying her friends during CU1. Chaotic Universe: Tonya Muse is the girl that Kris had crush on at the beginning of the story, she doesn’t like him romantically but she respects him secretly. Tonya is brought into the Universal struggle by overhearing Kris and Daraun’s argument. Tonya trains very hard during the Drasil Universe Saga and at this time she becomes the most powerful female [official] in the series(this will last until Solara’s appearance in CU2 but Tonya regains this title when she beats Solara in the UT[official). Kris gets injured saving her from the Fire Beast and she later finds out that her friends were behind the whole thing. She vows to stick it to her friends and leaves, she finds the portal and sees Anna and challenges her to a battle, Tonya and Anna fight in the first battle featuring their trained elemental powers. Tonya throws the battle [official] and lets Anna lead Daraun and Brandi to the portal allowing them to win the challenge making Kris, Daraun, Anna, and Brandi the main defenders of the Andiron Universe. At this point Kris and Tonya begin stop looking at each other as rivals and more as teammates [See Dane’s CU1 capsule for the prediction]. Tonya and Gabriel are recognized by Earon and invited to his Island(Daniel and Angela were not invited) [official]. In the battle with the EM Tonya kills Jing marking her first victory, everyone was amazed by Tonya’s skill(especially becuase Metal is the hardest element to control [official]). During the Gods saga she interferes in Daniel’s battle with Beta helping him get the kill, She fights in a tag battle with Angela against Delta and Gamma they do well but Gabriel interferes and kills Delta and Gamma for them. In the Andiron Holyland Tonya fights Hikage and gets fuc*** up. During the final battle with Ten Ken since she is needed Tonya helps Kris by agreeing to combine elements and using the “Dark Metal Strike” to save all 3 universes. Tonya ends her CU1 story by celebrating with Kris and vowing to be there whenever Kris needed her, they are now friends. [official] Tonya goes off to train in the Drasil Universe(looking too improve her skills so she won’t get embarrassed again [official]). Her and Daniel break up between this point and the beginning of CU2. Chaotic Universe2: Universe Wars: Chaotic Universe Final: Revelations Where is she now? Traveling the world, everyone else wanted to relax and settle down after the fighting, not Tonya. Tonya still searches for peace of mind and clings on to the fact that Gabriel will come back to the NU. She still keeps in touch with Kris and the others and was named baby Sharon’s godmother.(to Anna’s slight dislike) Miscellaneous Notes: There may be a reason why Tonya really disliked Kris during parts of CU1, she does say that she doesn’t like arrogant people during the Genesis Saga and says so to Kris himself.[official] Tonya really does respect Kris which led to a lot of conflict in her group, she states before the battle with the Gods, that Kris’s arrogance and pride is what makes him great. Tonya is actually a good leader it’s just the people around her don’t reflect that, Tonya is very honorable, Okay so throwing soda in someones face isn’t very honorable. But Tonya’s honor comes from standing up for herself no matter what, the best example of that comes in the Drasil Universe Saga of CU1. Again, turning against her friends and helping the other team win isn’t honorable. But Tonya has a reason for doing this stuff, see Tonya believed that if her friends were corrupt enough to put her in danger just to kill one person, that they didn’t deserve to defend a universe. Did you notice that Tonya is taller than Kris? Tonya has really long and beautiful hair, Hikage and Solara really took advantage of that, but for family reasons Tonya never cut her hair to much. If there was a story after CUF expect either Tonya , Gabriel, or Seven to be the main character(s). Kris stated that he was done with fighting [official] and I’m pretty sure that Daraun, Brandi, and Anna would follow the same way. Gabriel and Tonya are the only two from the group who have questionable futures. Tonya wins the Women’s portion of the Universal Tournament by beating Solara[official] Final Statement(actually a phone call from Tonya): “Hey Kris” greeted Tonya. “Hi Tonya, how goes the traveling?” asked Kris. “Great, I’m in Athens right now, it’s really great here” answered Tonya. “That’s good to hear” said Kris. ~Anna comes behind Kris~ “Who are you talking to?” asked Anna. “Tonya” answered Kris. ~Anna gave Kris “The Stare of Death” and walked away~ “Hello, you still there Kris?” asked Tonya. “Yeah go on” answered Kris. “I wish that I could be there with you guys, hey I hear your studio just released another game” said Tonya. “Yeah Alternate Universe, I wrote the story myself you won’t believe who’s in it” responded Kris. “Who?” asked Tonya. “Buy it and find out” answered Kris. “How’s Sharon and Anna?” asked Tonya. “Those two are doing just fine, Sharon is as healthy as can be and Anna’s still writing and drawing those mangas” answered Kris. “What about Daraun and Brandi?” asked Tonya. “They’re engaged right now, their wedding is in a few months, they want you to come” answered Kris. “I’m happy for you Kris you deserve all of this you worked for it, I chose the wrong people but I’m going to fix it, I’ve been thinking about going to the Andiron Universe to search for Gabriel and bring him back” said Tonya. “Well whatever you do you come back here, I didn’t make you Sharon’s godmother so you could never see her, I took major heat from Anna because she wanted Brandi to be her godmother, but remember just like you told me when you need me I’ll be there”said Kris. “Thanks Kris that means a lot to me” said Tonya. “Kris, your daughter wants her father” yelled Anna. “Alright Tonya we’ll talk another time” said Kris. “Okay, you take care and tell everyone I said hi” said Tonya. ~In Athens~ “I wonder did my adventure end or is it just beginning?” Tonya thought.
Apologies for the delay, I have been very busy participating in NaNoWriMo this month.

MC/IC complementarity is a good thing to have. But it only has to do with the a goal or method for attempting to achieve a goal that the two characters 'argue' about through the course of the story, such that one 'wins' the argument and stays the same, while the other 'loses' the argument and changes his mind. So most of the info you posted above is irrelevant to your question.

The MC/IC theory is part of the Dramatica theory, so if you want to learn about it in more detail the thing to do would be to read the Dramatica Theory Book, available free online here.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

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