
[4e4] Forgot to include manual - Entry: Ship Ho!

Started by November 01, 2005 05:39 AM
5 comments, last by remigius 18 years, 11 months ago
Hello, I just noticed I forgot to include my manual with my 4e4 entry package. If you want it, you can download it from my website: Ship Ho! 4e4 manual (1MB Word doucment) And as a shameless plug, you might want to check out the Ship Ho! website itself if you're interested, as it contains some videos and further info on my entry. Good luck everyone!
Rim van Wersch [ MDXInfo ] [ XNAInfo ] [ YouTube ] - Do yourself a favor and bookmark this excellent free online D3D/shader book!
Yowza! Ship Ho!

I wanted to play, but it wouldn't run for me. I imagine it's because I'm missing some needed .dll or some such nonsense. The error was on startup and reported as:

ShipHo.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services

Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.

Process id = 0x147c (5244), Thread id = 0x8d0 (2256)

If you send out an update via the game's patching system, I'll be highly impressed :), although I suppose it's probably something wrong on my end.
Music and sound for interactive media:
i had that error too :(
Same here, didn't work for me.


This is why you shouldn't use MS Word documents for your final release document. Doc to PDF converters are easy to find now so you have no excuse not to use one. ;)

Anyway I plan on trying your cute looking game when I get a partner to play with. I hope its like worms 3d.

*crosses fingers*
Damn, that sucks... 3 deployment errors on day 1 :s

Probably the crude solve-all solution would be to download and install the October DirectX SDK, which should include all required runtime files. Managed DirectX deployment remains a pain.

I've just double checked and the error might be caused by the missing D3DX dll... I forget that one every time, especially with all the managed DLL's I have to include. Unfortunately I just spotted a problem with the updater when trying this out (that's what you get when coding it in the middle of the night a few hours before the deadline ;), so you can download the file manually from the address below:

And put this in the Ship Ho! bin directory, which is normally:

c:\program files\netforge\shipho\bin\release

The patcher somehow stops reading after a few kilobytes, even though I used the exact same code I found on MSDN... If anyone has a code snippet available on fully reading binary files from a WebResponse stream in C#, please let me know :)
Rim van Wersch [ MDXInfo ] [ XNAInfo ] [ YouTube ] - Do yourself a favor and bookmark this excellent free online D3D/shader book!
Quote: Original post by nes8bit
This is why you shouldn't use MS Word documents for your final release document. Doc to PDF converters are easy to find now so you have no excuse not to use one. ;)

Anyway I plan on trying your cute looking game when I get a partner to play with. I hope its like worms 3d.

*crosses fingers*

Thanks for the heads-up, it bothered me too when I read it over but I was beyond the point where I cared that much ;)

I played a few test rounds with my girlfriend today and when someone comes up from behind you with the evil looking submarine, seeing it loom into view, that's just priceless... This really got me convinced this game has potential and I'm gonna endavour to finish it as my first complete game release... for free of course :D

Stay tuned!
Rim van Wersch [ MDXInfo ] [ XNAInfo ] [ YouTube ] - Do yourself a favor and bookmark this excellent free online D3D/shader book!

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