
4E4 Entry Demo Video

Started by October 23, 2005 12:21 PM
13 comments, last by cyric74 18 years, 11 months ago
My 4E4 entry, Shadows Of The Savage Fist, has really started to come together in the past week--mostly due to my college introducing something magical called 'Fall Break'. So with my 5 day weekend, I've managed to produce about 75 hours of pure game production. This is a very short little video I made to show my friends who ask me just about every day how the game is going, and thought it would be fun to post it here as a sort of teaser. Just some quick notes: * All sound and music are produced by the game--not added in post-video production. * I did all of the graphical work (with the help of Poser 6 & photoshop), as well as the game engine, mapping, scripting etc. * I began work on this project Sept. 23rd * This is my first real game project, besides a Neverwinter Nights mod. * I used Fraps to record this video, which totally kills the framerate (normally runs ~60, fraps dragged it down to 17, and also caused the music to be a little twitchy). This also made the rain look pretty bad, but it is actually decent looking with a good framerate/video quality. * There is no demonstration of combat or other systems because I don't want to show off very much of the game, and the visuals for the combat UI are still being made (hence the square in the upper left corner). The music is by the guys at Royalty-free, cheap to license and excellent quality. Right Click, Save As... My personal site, so be kind on the bandwidth. =D Cyric
I tried three video viewers on my MacOSX box, and nothing played but the audio. Sounded nice, though...
video worked for me, looks kind'a interesting
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Whow!! I'm pulling out of 4e. Goodbye.
Oooh that looks most excelent, can't wait to play it!
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Wow, very nice, can't wait to try it along with all the other entries!!!
Looks very good. This is that tile-based game from the screenshots section, right? It sure has come together nicely!

Good luck with wrapping up the remaining details ~:)
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Looks very nice! Keep up the good work.
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Quote: Original post by Guimo

I second that! It looks like you have a nice solid foundation to get some nice gameplay.

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