
!!!!!!!NEED HELP!!!!!

Started by December 26, 2000 09:16 PM
4 comments, last by HdZ 24 years, 1 month ago
I just started with NeonHelium tutorials and realized that i need 26 lines of code to create just a simple Cube and my motivation is realy "DOWN" ! My only question is How do the GameDesigner create Their 3-Dmodels. I heard that you can do this in 3D-Studio-Max and port the models into the Game i have a 3d modeling program "Blender" but i dont know how to port the 3dmodels in my Source, or do i missunderstood that you can port your 3dmodels in your code. I AM JUST CONFUSED TO DO A QUAKE like 3dModel by writing the code for the normals(corect me if i''m wrong) down Pleaze Post Back soon :]
if you think thats a lot, try Direct3d
u can try the latest tutorial. it features model loading.
anyway hold on to your sanity, an expert will be with you soon...
(no im not an expert!)
As a side note, you should realy come up with better topics than "!!HELP!!!!!!!". Very few experianced programmers will reply to posts which start like that. Next time I''d suggest some thing along the lines of "I''ve got a question about models" or something a little more informative than "!!!!HELP!!!!!!".
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
You are also a long way off from doing any Q3 stuff.

However, once you make a model using whatever, then you usually convert that model to something your program understands. Best way to do it is to use ASCII, so you can read the code the program uses. .obj (Wavefront) is good, as are others.

To do anything by hand is very tedious work (especially 3d models, since graph paper is only 2D )

Thx for all posts i just readed the nehe tutorial #32 .
Also a am understanding a bit but Something i not understood
was the post from Elixer, i could be that i don''t have the programming skill for this.
anyway thx a lot @all!
Only 26 lines of code for a model of a cube??????
Try making the one model I''m working on! about 1000 lines and I just started it! Of course that includes some interactive animation stuff! (if part A moves part B is pulled in x,y,z direction, etc....)
Don''t give up till you match a program I was working on that totaled 195000 lines of code not including library headers! Then like an idiot I didn''t back it up and suffered a hd failure! Lesson, back up big or important projects OFTEN!!!
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