

Started by October 10, 2005 12:40 AM
9 comments, last by Moe 18 years, 11 months ago
Well, not so much a demo as just a build of the engine with some game elements in it. Anyhow, I've been working on this thing in Linux, and this weekend I got it up and running in Windows. The problem is it doesn't run that well on Windows on my machine (Athlon 3000+, GeForceFX 5700), and crashes on my pal's machine (with an ATI something or other). I'm trying to figure out what's going on, so if anyone could try running the demo (6.5 MB) or maybe the debug version (6.4 MB) if you've got a debugger handy and let me know what happens and what kind of hardware you've got, I'd really appreciate it. [Edited by - BradDaBug on October 10, 2005 5:40:04 PM]
I like the DARK layout!
Quote: Original post by BradDaBug
Well, not so much a demo as just a build of the engine with some game elements in it.

Anyhow, I've been working on this thing in Linux, and this weekend I got it up and running in Windows. The problem is it doesn't run that well on Windows on my machine (Athlon 3000+, GeForceFX 5700), and crashes on my pal's machine (with an ATI something or other). I'm trying to figure out what's going on, so if anyone could try running the demo (10 MB) or maybe the debug version (6.5 MB)if you've got a debugger handy and let me know what happens and what kind of hardware you've got, I'd really appreciate it.

downloaded yer demo (the first link) and ran it. Ran fine, no crashes. Client FPS ranged from 60s - 80s. Movement seemed really slow, but thats problbably because you feel so tiny with those huge trees.

I'm running a GeForce4 ti4400 (128mb) with an Athlon 2400+ and 1024mb ram.

And what is up with this pirates, uh, cannon?

It says:

"Warning: Unable to load LUA standard lib" in the console, and then crashes once the window has been created.
LUA and the models and animations (and probably more) aren't loaded, it tries to read files from the models subdirectory, but it doesn't exist. It doesn't crash but the polygons that are displayed are just trash.
As for the pirate's "weapon," that was more or less accidental. For now I've just got the weapon stuck at the pirate's origin, which happens to be his crotch.

For those that said it crashed, have you got an ATI card?
I like the DARK layout!
I just posted a new version that might fix the crash bug.
I like the DARK layout!
I'm jealous of that pirate's massive weapon; he must have a hard time shopping for pants. =D
Yeah, it works now, still it can't load LUA but the animations and models work now. FPS varies from 15 to 500 (when looking straight up) on an AMD Athlon 3000+ 512MB and an ATI Radeon 9600XT.
I like the pirate's leg btw.
Looks like a pirate , a zombie and a robot all wraped up in one :D hehehe
Works fine for me. Stays at 72 FPS (vsync).
A64 3700
GeForce 7800 GTX

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