quote: Original post by Wavinator
If the player has a bad reputation, is damaged, and finds himself in the middle of enemy territory as a result of exploring uncharted hyperspace, is this a fair gameplay state? (The player''s made his own bed, so to speak)
This wouldn''t happen if the player stuck to known routes or had a neutral or good rep with everyone. Is it fair to make this a risk of exploring the unknown, or too heavy handed?
This is good. It''s a simple extension for every action there is a consequence. And if you''ve been naughty, your karma''s going to get you. As long as it isn''t the standard, situations like this only add to the gameplay, not detract from it.
"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..."
"When you are willing to do that which others are ashamed to do, therein lies an advantage."