hey all! well, this is really the first time i've been able to post in this forum with something i'd actually consider putting straight into a game! i hope it will be the first of many posts with the same idea but for now, lets just get to my topic: i've been able to complete a model of a tree a couple of days ago and have just decided i would like to see what all of you think, as i am quite proud of it. i've tried to model trees before but none that have really been that great (or even look liked a tree), but this one is hopefully my first step to good 3d model design for games! Tree:
Polygons: 772 now i know the first thing many of you will think is, "thats quite blocky" or something similar. just to let you know, this is sort of the style i'd like to use for my first 3d game (not real smooth and detailed but still good), both so i can see how many polygons/triangles a 3d game that i make can render at a decent speed, and so i can get the hang of basic 3d design before i jump further into it. i would love to hear what all of you think about this model and how you think i could improve the design (textures aren't priority at the moment), so get the feedback coming! [smile] also, since i'm posting about some of my art, i thought i'd show this model i did for a school graphics assignment:
![](http://www.iciclesoft.devisland.net/completed model.PNG)
Polygons: 5231 i'm sure a lot of you recognise this as the "Liger Zero" from Zoids. my whole assignment was based around this model and all the components of it. being my last assignment for graphics, i wanted to go all-out for it and thats just what i did. i was extremely proud of the way this model turned out, however, this doesn't really suit games because of the polygon count and it's more technically correct than "eye-candy" correct! [wink] anyway, thats my work so far. please feel free to comment on any part of wither model, but remember, the tree model is the one i want to use in a game so it's the one i'd like more criticism on (but would still like to hear what you think of the liger model).