
[java] Applets not getting cached

Started by December 21, 2000 10:14 AM
1 comment, last by ao 24 years, 2 months ago
Has anyone ever had a problem where your applet is always downloaded, even if all the graphics and class files have been stored in the temporary internet directory from a previous visit? Oh ya, the webpage is a static one. It isn't a large applet either, all the graphics and class files total up to 78K. Any ideas? ao Edited by - ao on 12/21/00 10:16:09 AM
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Ok, I''ve noticed that the applet will get cached if it is stored in a cab or jar file. But once I take them out and just store them as class files then they always want to be reloaded?

Hopefully someone will have an idea of what is going on, cause I don''t.

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I guess you are using IE. I think Netscape will cache .class files.

If you package the .class files into an archive (jar, cab, zip) then the browser will cache it like a normal web page.

The prefered way is to use an archive.

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