
Advantages over Lua?

Started by October 04, 2005 09:08 AM
12 comments, last by WitchLord 19 years, 4 months ago
I evaluated almost every embeddable language out there, and AngelScript is by far the easiest to embed and extend (well, perhaps TCL is, but TCL syntax stinks). We wanted a language that our end-users could pickup quickly (which is why TCL went out the window!) and was easy to embed and extend.

Lua was high on that list. But extending was not easy. I'm not a big fan of magic wrappers, which LuaBind seemed to provide. The Lua tutorials discussed how to extend Lua, but even that wasn't clear. The use of metatables and doing object method calls was not easy. AngelScript has the easiest and cleanest interface.
Thanks Guys, you seem to have confirmed what I was feeling. Angel script just feels like a nicer solution, its small, simple to use, looks and feels like C and seems to be fast enough for the job. I had Lua and Calua to bind it to my prog and it just felt akward, will be moving over to Angel Script asap.

Thanks and keep up the great work.

Original post by WitchLord
In my opinion, strongly and weekly typed, both have their advantages and disadvantages. Strongly type is more effective since the VM doesn't have to dynamically determine the type at run time and do unecessary conversions in order to do calculations. AngelScript is also able to take advantage of this by passing the exact same type between scripts and the host application. Weekly typed is good because it simplifies features such as dictionaries, serializations, etc. In a future version of AngelScript I hope to be able to implement a true variant type, which will allow weekly typed programming to be used as well.

You're probably thinking of statically-typed vs dynamically-typed, not strongly-typed vs weakly-typed (weakly-typed usually means there are a lot of implicit conversion, not that the typing is dynamic necessarily).
Ah, I believe you're right. I'm not that good with terminology, and sometimes I mix up the meaning of the words.

Thanks for correcting me. :) - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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