
Difficuilties with task-speed

Started by December 19, 2000 12:37 AM
-1 comments, last by kniph0 23 years, 11 months ago
Hello everyone I''m quite new here and just started some apps from the site. On my machine at home ( a P350 with a VOODOO3 3000 and 64Meg and Win98 running ) all the code does not run very fast. The code of the critical velocity does not run anyway. I have a allmost freezin picture there even if I press the buttons. the fps is VERY BAD! only 2 to 5 I would say... On my machine at work, it all works brilliant. Thats a P450 with 128MEG a MatroxMilleniumG200 and NT running. Sometimes the fulkscreen ends up in shit but over all one can say, it runs stable. The only problem, I realized, was in windowed mode. When you move the window or resize, then the speed goes down rapidly and never come back So, what could be the problem on my machine at home ?? And does all the code have ap roblem with the DC. Perhaps it looses the DC when the window is moved ?????? Greetings, kniph0

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