Original post by Vopisk
Anyway, understanding now that you want to compress the application down to work on a controller makes more sense why the limitation on the amount of buttons, however, I don't have the experience with dealing with controllers in programming to know what keypress combinations would be possible to solve the problem, however, I would stick with the 1-9 paradigm for keyboard users, as it is commonly used and familiar to most gamers.
Oh, it's not really related to programming. What I was speaking of is that the keyboard can only send so many "signals" at once. I really have no idea how the hardware works, but I imagine that certain groups of keys are branched together and sent through a single pathway to the computer. Try holding down A + S. While holding these down, the W key is ignored, but E and Q will work fine.
My question regarding the graphical implementation would refer to I suppose, the point of view of the camera, that is, if you're in a roving 3rd-person perspective, you're going to have to show the back-sword being sheathed before the player can draw out his hip-sword/mace, which presents a lot more modelling than a standard FPS which would enable a quick swapping out of weapons.
I love working with 3D animation. It might be my favorite game development chore. It's so simple to churn out an action animation, and it works with every character in the game. So it's like drawing 2000 sprites in a few minutes. Plus you can blend, mix, transition, and do all sorts of crazy stuff with them. But anyway, yeah, it's 3rd person. And the characters are just as animated as the sims. More so, considering the sims don't open doors :P
Once again for the sake of realism however, I ask, is it feasible to have both a "great sword", bow and shield all strapped to your back and can you quickly and accurately use each one?
Bows are strapped to the same location as 2-handed swords. I considered making the shield use that same location. But imagine wanting to specialize with 1-handed and shield, and needing that bow for long distance. What they have equipped is all they can use.
For what it's worth, I'm not on the realism kick. I like to keep the world as believable as possible, but believable doesn't equal realistic. I think it's far worse having things vanish into thin air when you unequip them than it is to have a big sword and shield strapped to your back at once.
I appreciate the suggestions. I'm still trying to sort my mess out.