Okay, here are some ideas.
Name: +10 Uber-Ultima of Exploding
Element: Celestial
Range: SOR (sort of)
1. Character creates a glowing ball in their hand
2. They spend several minutes charging it with all the elements
3. As they charge it, the ball grows ever-brighter and large archs of magical energy stream out. You just KNOW this thing is powerful.
4. When it's fully charged, the character lobs the ball at an enemy as if its a simple grenande. It sits there for a few seconds.
5. Then it explodes, causing MASSIVE damage to everything nearby including the player. In fact, the blast radius and power are intentionally made so its darn near impossible to use this without getting killed. However, it pretty much toasts everything else nearbye as well.
Effect: Massive damage
Status Effect: none really
Name: Toon Anvil
Element: Synthetic (Iron)
Range: any single target
style:a cartoon-style anvil falls from the sky, complete with whistling noise and a shadow that follows the target. High chance of hitting.
Effect: Damage
Status Effect: Knocks the target unconsious
Name: Rover Summons
Element: Water
Range: Single target and a few nearby ones
style: The big white balloon-monster from The Prisoner appears. It rises from a nearby body of water and tracks down the targeted enemy. It then smothers them, either killing them or rendering them unconcious, it attacks two more (which may include the player) and leaves.
Effect: Damage
Status Effect: Unconsiousness
Name: Man-Eater Summons
Element: Demon
Range: Wide area around player
style: Summons a flying monster with one eye, one horn, and dark purple fur. It a medium distance from the caster and immediatly attacks and "eats" any humans (or people) it sees. After it eats three or four people it leaves. It may attack the caster, so the caster must be careful and have other people nearbye.
Effect: Heavy damage or Death
Status Effect: Death
Name: Body Double
Element: Non-Elemental
Range: Yourself
style: Creates a clone of the caster that will walk blindly forward in the direction the caster is facing. Its HP and defence are equal to those of the caster. Monsters, traps and other things can attack and kill it just like if it was the player.
Effect: none
Status Effect: none
Name: Bad Seed
Element: Organic
Range: near the caster
style: Creates a fly-trap like monster that attacks any creature near it. Will attack both the caster and monsters. It can be killed like any monster.
Effect: none
Status Effect: creates monster
Design A Spell (CG Design Forum Game and Topic)...
Name : Instant miracle
Element : Death, Holy
Range : OSR-SSR
style : Big Glow with a ray of light from above
Effect : Healing, resurrect
Status Effect : Gives any character that died within the last two minutes 10% of max Health and brings him back to life, repelling death
Name : Saint-Ungulant's breezy statufying shield
Element : Earth, Synthetic (metal), Wind
Range : STR
style : a whirlwind of particles around yourself
Effect : slows everybody around you by creating shells around their bodies
Status Effect : Slows every available target except yourself in the area by up to 100% of maximum speed. Builds a metallic shell around every available target except yourself, increasing armor by XXX points. Can be used to make ranged attacks rebound on the whirlwind with an angle of 80-100° to the left and half the original strength.
Name : Shrapnel Scorch
Element : Earth, Synthetic (Metal), Wind
Range : STR
style : A whirlwind of particles around yourself
Effect : Tiny shreds of metal and stone hurled with hurricane force against your opponents
Status Effect : Creates metallic shreds within the whirlwind, each target within area of effect suffers constant attacks from the shrapnel, with armor reductions. Can be cast at half the cost when "Saint-Ungulant's breezy statufying shield" is already in use.
Name : Fog Shroud
Element : Water, Fire, Air
Range : STR
style : A blanket of fog rises slowly from the ground around the caster, and expands.
Status effect : hinders the player's visibility, as well as the other creatures and characters in the area of effect. It also lowers the possibilities of the attackers to effectively touch the targets.
Name : Scalding steam stream
Element : Water, Fire, Air
Range : N/A (on a line in front of the caster)
style : the caster sends a stream of water from his left hand, and a jet of fire from his right. Where they cross, they form a jet of scalding steam.
Effect : projects a ray of steam which will hinder the visibility of the target, and burn him over time.
Status effect : Temporarily blinds the target. Deals instant FIRE damage plus FIRE damage over time, if used for more than one second. Each second of use on a target deals another second of damage over time.
Special : has no damage effect over FIRE creatures.
Special : Can be created with just the same effects with a single Water Wash spell over any source of fire (Torch, Campfire, Lava, FIRE creature) but the steam will, of course, be beyond said source of fire. Notice that WATER can have damage effect on FIRE creatures.
Want more?
Element : Death, Holy
Range : OSR-SSR
style : Big Glow with a ray of light from above
Effect : Healing, resurrect
Status Effect : Gives any character that died within the last two minutes 10% of max Health and brings him back to life, repelling death
Name : Saint-Ungulant's breezy statufying shield
Element : Earth, Synthetic (metal), Wind
Range : STR
style : a whirlwind of particles around yourself
Effect : slows everybody around you by creating shells around their bodies
Status Effect : Slows every available target except yourself in the area by up to 100% of maximum speed. Builds a metallic shell around every available target except yourself, increasing armor by XXX points. Can be used to make ranged attacks rebound on the whirlwind with an angle of 80-100° to the left and half the original strength.
Name : Shrapnel Scorch
Element : Earth, Synthetic (Metal), Wind
Range : STR
style : A whirlwind of particles around yourself
Effect : Tiny shreds of metal and stone hurled with hurricane force against your opponents
Status Effect : Creates metallic shreds within the whirlwind, each target within area of effect suffers constant attacks from the shrapnel, with armor reductions. Can be cast at half the cost when "Saint-Ungulant's breezy statufying shield" is already in use.
Name : Fog Shroud
Element : Water, Fire, Air
Range : STR
style : A blanket of fog rises slowly from the ground around the caster, and expands.
Status effect : hinders the player's visibility, as well as the other creatures and characters in the area of effect. It also lowers the possibilities of the attackers to effectively touch the targets.
Name : Scalding steam stream
Element : Water, Fire, Air
Range : N/A (on a line in front of the caster)
style : the caster sends a stream of water from his left hand, and a jet of fire from his right. Where they cross, they form a jet of scalding steam.
Effect : projects a ray of steam which will hinder the visibility of the target, and burn him over time.
Status effect : Temporarily blinds the target. Deals instant FIRE damage plus FIRE damage over time, if used for more than one second. Each second of use on a target deals another second of damage over time.
Special : has no damage effect over FIRE creatures.
Special : Can be created with just the same effects with a single Water Wash spell over any source of fire (Torch, Campfire, Lava, FIRE creature) but the steam will, of course, be beyond said source of fire. Notice that WATER can have damage effect on FIRE creatures.
Want more?
Yours faithfully, Nicolas FOURNIALS
Name: Adjuration of the Elder Leporidae Lords
Element: Divine, Organic
Range: OSR-SOR
style: A pillar of amber light
Effect: Target is showered with 666 holy carrots
Status Effect: Damages unholy creatures. Increase chances of encountering rabbits. Carrot circle acts as a Ward Against Malevolent Cartoon Ducks. Provide healthy food to the starving masses.
Yes. I'm serious. Fireballs and other Ultimas are so cliché. Think about the kind of spells a sorcerer might really want to learn. Spells that may be useful for something else than blasting your opponent to smithereens, or for preventing them from doing you in.
Element: Divine, Organic
Range: OSR-SOR
style: A pillar of amber light
Effect: Target is showered with 666 holy carrots
Status Effect: Damages unholy creatures. Increase chances of encountering rabbits. Carrot circle acts as a Ward Against Malevolent Cartoon Ducks. Provide healthy food to the starving masses.
Yes. I'm serious. Fireballs and other Ultimas are so cliché. Think about the kind of spells a sorcerer might really want to learn. Spells that may be useful for something else than blasting your opponent to smithereens, or for preventing them from doing you in.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Original post by templewulf
That's essentially the idea I had in mind, except my game is an Active Time Battle, so I'm not even going to pretend to create spells during battle.
As far as the abilities all being the same:
I haven't fixed it yet! Lots of combinations have undefined results. I'm refining the rules system code, but it's slow-going. My idea is that if the system doesn't know what to do with a particular symbol, it will put it at the end of the symbol/glyph list. That way, if a symbol later on provides a context for it to be interpreted, it will!
Then, if the CSpellReader class doesn't pick up any new relevant symbols, it just omits them from the spell.
I just have to keep refining the rules, I suppose.
So, if you have a stab ability (ignores defense) with fire, it adds fire damage. If you have a stab ability with heal...well, it just ignores heal, because stab was the first symbol, and those two are incompatible.
What kinds of non-combat spells do you have? (I'm trying to make magick useful outside of battle, like in Magic: The Gathering, or Eternal Darkness)
My ones real time but you wont be able to make spells during battle either as that option will only be available, like in an MMO, with a desk or computer and the right tech equipment to manipulate crystal energy, my RPG is fantasy/tech btw.
I understand you, the thing is my system is a little more detailed, if you want to heal the target you set the effect of the spell to positive, the stat to HP, then the range and how much Mana you want the spell to use which can be altered on the fly later on. If you made a spell (it would have to be a spell as stab would be a warrior type skill in my book) which did damage with fire then the effect of the spell would be set to negative and the stat to HP which wouldn’t allow you to recover the HP as well as you would have to change the spells effect would which negate the damage effect. You system disregards an order from the player, mine prevents the order being given to begin with.
The way I’ve set the system up is so each different move is classed individually. For example a warrior uses skills, a sorcerer uses spells and both warriors and mages use abilities common to both ends of the combat spectrum, one end being purely physical combat which uses no magical energy and the other being the sole use of magical energy with no physical contact. The middle of the spectrum I named Hyberion (Hybrid Class) which basically is a direct combination of magical spells and physical skills.
So your stab ability, in my book, would fall under a warrior skill, if you then modded it with fire you would have a Hyberion Skill/Spell (stab + fire) or if you went entirely to the right (Warrior >> Hyberion << Sorcerer) you would have a fire spell.
An ability would be either some kind of non-combative spell or skill or craft/trade ability such as mining. To answer your question, a non-combative spell would be something like "Move" for example where you would use Mana to shift a rock or some other object out of the path in the game world, something I loved about Golden Sun btw. I don’t really see too much use for magic in the game world, minus the way Golden Sun used it to manipulate the games puzzle system or to reach areas which the game blocks off until you’re ready to progress down that area. I haven’t played the games you mentioned, what do you have?
I’m curious, what type of classes do you have. I made my little spectrum so I could develop virtually any kind of class possible by allowing a single player to develop both their physical and magical abilities equally by learning individual skills, abilities and spells in any order they want. For example, Player X could become a full on Sorcerer by learning how to cast a series of base spells and then develop their own magic books by building custom spells as well as learning a range of multi-class abilities or they could become a full warrior by learning a series of base skills and then develop their own custom skills as well as learning a range of multi-class abilities or they could mix the two and learn a series of base skills and spells and then develop their own custom skills and spells as well as learning a range of multi-class abilities or they could just learn whatever they wanted and mix the two ends of the spectrum however they wanted. This would allow for complete player controlled character development, with craft and trade abilities to suit their own playing preferences and styles. As I have also a predefined development spectrum I could also have pre-built classifications for armour and weapons so if someone was a full sorcerer with spells, armour, weapons etc they would be defined as such and if someone used a lot of a specific type of physical ,such as those used by a pre-defined Dragoon class for example, then the game would call them that be default, the player could then rename the class if they wanted and/or join a Dragoon guild for the title or be able to work up the rank of the Guild if NPC based (NPC based if offline, player if online with a GM leader or advisor or player leader or commander under the GM).
...Sorry if this is a bit too much information or I rambled a bit, I just start and can’t stop. XD
RPG: I'm going to rewrite this genre even if it kills me.
Original post by templewulf
I obviously don't know what the context of your game is, but I don't understand the difference between "demonic" and "devilic". Are they going to be two different races? If so, why are demons connected with death, yet separate from unholy?
Firstly I named "Devilic" that simply because of the word "Angelic", I didn’t see why the two opposites of each other (Devil and Angel) couldn’t have the same word mod considering they both end the same and they are opposites.
Secondly as far as this entire thread goes, my races are negligible. They have nought to do with the elements. Don’t think of my elements as a representation of what they are physically. What I mean is, don’t think fire means hot burning flame. Think fire means type F Mana energy. Not hot, not cold, not bright, not dark, its just type F.
Now basically you have type F, WA, WI, and E as the base four elements, Fire, Water, Wind and Earth. Then you have T, I, S and O or Thunder, Ice, Synthetic and Organic. Lastly A, DI, DE and C. You also have FWAWIETISOADIDEC which is non-elemental because of the way light works, take all the colours of the rainbow and you get white or the presence of every colour, remove them all and get black or nothing at all.
F type energy (Fire) dose grater damage to beings or objects of WI type energy (Wind) which in turn dose grater damage to E type energy (Earth) beings or objects which in turn dose grater damage to W type energy (Water) beings or objects which in turn dose grater damage to F type energy (Fire) beings or objects.
In context with my world, group three energy types (A, DI, DE, and C) are special types where as the first group fights each other in a vicious circle and the second is highly individual.
A and DI are opposite energy forces, each dose grater damage to the other. DE and C are inert energy forces which don’t hurt each other any more then the other but have special properties in the game world, one being that DE is decay and death and C is regeneration and life.
Now in context, Angelic is goodness, purity and light, Devilic is evil, dirtiness and darkness. Demon is death which is neither good nor evil but is a required part of existence. Celestial is neither good nor evil but the sun, a celestial body, gives life to everything on a planet in the same way as a meteor can take it away. The former two have everything to do with human lives; the latter two are what makes that life possible.
RPG: I'm going to rewrite this genre even if it kills me.
Original post by coderx75 Quote:
Original post by templewulf
Name: Dark Photon Cannon
Element: Light / Dark
Range: OSR-SSR (Any single target)
style: Spear
Effect: Damaging
Status Effect: Blind & Pierce; it doesn't dissipate on context, but continues blasting through in a straight line.
Sounds like Balefire (Eye of the World by Robert Jordan)Quote:
Original post by templewulf
Not at all. It sounds like you might want to do it intentionally in desperate circumstances.
I just don't understand what you mean by "compound" spells. I envision glyphs being analagous to letters, and spells analogous to words. In this sense, words cannot contain other words recursively. (let's just ignore abbreviations for now.)
Perhaps, more concretely, we should think of glyphs as lego blocks, and spells as whatever you build out of lego blocks. (evil robots, anyone?)
I'm thinking of glyphs as describing properties of a spell while "compound spells" combine two ready-made spells during combat. For example:
Name: Flight
Element: Wind
Range: OSR-SSR (Any single target)
style: N/A
Effect: Manipulation
Status Effect: Grants target control of the surrounding air to allow unlimited direction and greater speed.
Name: Summon Demon
Element: Demon
Range: N/A
style: N/A
Effect: Summon
Status Effect: Summons land creature.
In this case, we have a Flight spell and a Summon Demon spell. Each spell may only have one element, in this case, Wind and Demon. However, let's say that we can't get to the enemy without flying. There's only one flight spell but we don't want to send one of our important characters in alone. With a compound spell, we could cast Summon Demon->Flight.
Having a single element per spell seems to be a bad limitation. Compound spells would overcome this. On the other hand, I think it would be cool if each glyph had its own element. Perhaps, each could draw from a different type of mana. (Now, I'm just ripping off Magic: The Gathering. =b)
I like your idea of compound spells, allthough you did it in the other guys context it still a good idea for my own system.
RPG: I'm going to rewrite this genre even if it kills me.
Think there's a possible game here...
Name : Fresh Concrete
Element : Earth
Range : OSR-SOR
style : Greyish area around target.
Effect : Target can't move
Status effect : Can't move for 5 turns.
Name : Summoning of Steamroller
Element : Synthetic
Range : OSR
style : Big steamroller
Effect : Rolls flat anybody in the way.
Status effect : Target needs to 'reinflate'.
A cartoon RPG where you're armed with a frying pan and have access to dynamite with plunger, Acme rockets and a pair of roller skates.
Name: Toon Anvil
Element: Synthetic (Iron)
Range: any single target
style:a cartoon-style anvil falls from the sky, complete with whistling noise and a shadow that follows the target. High chance of hitting.
Effect: Damage
Status Effect: Knocks the target unconsious
Name : Fresh Concrete
Element : Earth
Range : OSR-SOR
style : Greyish area around target.
Effect : Target can't move
Status effect : Can't move for 5 turns.
Name : Summoning of Steamroller
Element : Synthetic
Range : OSR
style : Big steamroller
Effect : Rolls flat anybody in the way.
Status effect : Target needs to 'reinflate'.
A cartoon RPG where you're armed with a frying pan and have access to dynamite with plunger, Acme rockets and a pair of roller skates.
I was asking about non-combat spells, because I've been playing Magic: The Gathering a lot lately, and direct-damage spells are actually sort of rare. In Final Fantasy, I love Bolt and Ice and all that, but they're all the same spell with different window dressing.
I totally agree with Fruny, in that, if you really were a wizard, you'd probably spend more time with mind-control spells, illusions, food spells, protection spells, than you would with any uber-ultima spells.
Although, you know SOMEBODY wants uber-damage spells. I guess that's why M:TG's Red has Blaze.
I just want to make magick (k intentional) more magickal. Perhaps some clairvoyance? Maybe some subtle power like rotating an enemy wizard's elements, so every time he tries to cast a fire spell, it comes out as an earth spell!
I'm not sure I like the Warner Brother's RPG, but at the very least you can be sure it hasn't been done too many times! [smile]
I was asking about non-combat spells, because I've been playing Magic: The Gathering a lot lately, and direct-damage spells are actually sort of rare. In Final Fantasy, I love Bolt and Ice and all that, but they're all the same spell with different window dressing.
I totally agree with Fruny, in that, if you really were a wizard, you'd probably spend more time with mind-control spells, illusions, food spells, protection spells, than you would with any uber-ultima spells.
Although, you know SOMEBODY wants uber-damage spells. I guess that's why M:TG's Red has Blaze.
I just want to make magick (k intentional) more magickal. Perhaps some clairvoyance? Maybe some subtle power like rotating an enemy wizard's elements, so every time he tries to cast a fire spell, it comes out as an earth spell!
I'm not sure I like the Warner Brother's RPG, but at the very least you can be sure it hasn't been done too many times! [smile]
XBox 360 gamertag: templewulf feel free to add me!
Original post by templewulf
I was asking about non-combat spells, because I've been playing Magic: The Gathering a lot lately, and direct-damage spells are actually sort of rare. In Final Fantasy, I love Bolt and Ice and all that, but they're all the same spell with different window dressing.
I totally agree with Fruny, in that, if you really were a wizard, you'd probably spend more time with mind-control spells, illusions, food spells, protection spells, than you would with any uber-ultima spells.
Although, you know SOMEBODY wants uber-damage spells. I guess that's why M:TG's Red has Blaze.
I just want to make magick (k intentional) more magickal. Perhaps some clairvoyance? Maybe some subtle power like rotating an enemy wizard's elements, so every time he tries to cast a fire spell, it comes out as an earth spell!
I'm not sure I like the Warner Brother's RPG, but at the very least you can be sure it hasn't been done too many times! [smile]
I really do have to get around to playing Magic, its been recommend so many times to me before. I disagree that mages would spend less time on destruction magic then alteration magic. Personally i would want the gun rather than the pen when facing down an orc or evil dragon.
RPG: I'm going to rewrite this genre even if it kills me.
Personally i would want the gun rather than the pen when facing down an orc or evil dragon.
Ah, but what if you could cast Control Magick on the evil dragon and tell him to kill the orc?
OT: By the way, why are dragons always evil!? I mean, maybe they're just grumpy that humans are always bashing them!
Anyway, in a game like Hexen or Heretic, where you have spells instead of guns, alteration magick is just tomfoolery. I think my RPG may be less action-oriented than yours if that is your preference.
I think I like non-combative magick better because games like EverQuest and Final Fantasy are losing their luster for me as far as combat is concerned.
Name: Raging Ivy
Element: Organic
Range: OSR-SSR (Any single target)
style: vines from the ground
Effect: Immobilizes, Poison
Status Effect: Vines burst from the ground to hold you in place and poison you at the same time!
XBox 360 gamertag: templewulf feel free to add me!
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