
Getting Linux

Started by September 12, 2005 02:46 PM
23 comments, last by Eken 19 years ago
Quote: Original post by Eken
Quote: Gentoo Linux is the ultimate hardcore Linux guru's Linux. Don't download until you have a lot of experience using Linux. It's the distro I use.

Well, gentoo is not so hard actually if you read the manual very well.
And it is not so hard if you starts from stage 2.

Very true :)

I just say that because the vast majority of PC users say "OMG a freaking huge manual OMG I have to read this?!!!!!!!!1111one" and therefore wouldn't and shouldn't use Gentoo. But, yeah, the manual is excellently written such that you don't necessarily need to be a power user to work with Gentoo.
{[JohnE, Chief Architect and Senior Programmer, Twilight Dragon Media{[+++{GCC/MinGW}+++{Code::Blocks IDE}+++{wxWidgets Cross-Platform Native UI Framework}+++
Quote: Original post by TDragon
Gentoo Linux is the ultimate hardcore Linux guru's Linux. Don't download until you have a lot of experience using Linux. It's the distro I use.

I do beg to differ, sir: Linux From Scratch, although you cannot really call it a distro. And actually from what I've seen of Gentoo, the installation process resembles very much an automated LFS in that it is source based (IIRC, don't quote me).

Quote: Original post by jflanglois
Quote: Original post by TDragon
Gentoo Linux is the ultimate hardcore Linux guru's Linux. Don't download until you have a lot of experience using Linux. It's the distro I use.

I do beg to differ, sir: Linux From Scratch, although you cannot really call it a distro. And actually from what I've seen of Gentoo, the installation process resembles very much an automated LFS in that it is source based (IIRC, don't quote me).


Okay, okay; that was hyperbole in the sense that Gentoo is not for the faint of heart or the weak of mind. Happy? ;)

-Twilight Dragon
{[JohnE, Chief Architect and Senior Programmer, Twilight Dragon Media{[+++{GCC/MinGW}+++{Code::Blocks IDE}+++{wxWidgets Cross-Platform Native UI Framework}+++
Mn...yes. >)

But I would say it like this:
Gentoo gives you very much, a good system, a good package manager. But why don't install Debian then? It gives you the same things except for one differ: It is much easier to install.
Well, now I was offtopic. But to be on topic: Try Debian ;) =P

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