
Who does still play electronic games?

Started by September 03, 2005 11:32 AM
14 comments, last by Mr_Black 19 years, 5 months ago
Hi, Everyone, I've been into PC (electronic) gaming since 1983. I still remember my first games like Sabotage, Karateka, Load Runner etc. and later my first IBM PC games: King's Quest, Socoban, Connan etc. Then I remember Descent, Hexen II, Half-life and Deltaforce and of course my all time favorites: Diablo & Plane Scape: Torment. I also tried consoles but I never liked the gamepads and I spent a great deal of money on arcades. Since that time my interest in games decreased. The only game in the last 5 years I was able to fully enjoy was: The Chronicles of Riddick. I must say I'm not a hardcore gamer. Actually I play computer games casually, so I'd say that I'm not sick of playing too much. But in recent years I think that while game technologies are getting better and better, especially the visual, the games themselves lack the fun, the games of the old times had. I don't know what's the reason but each time I try to play a game now, I remove in just a few hours, sometimes in less than an hour. So who are you people, who still play games? How old are you? What are you doing for living? Why are you playing games? For how long have you been playing games? How often do you play games? Don't you feel you could have done something better than playing games even casually? Do you think that everything is OK with modern games or you think that they are lacking something horribly? :) Sorry for these questions. I'm just curious. I'm looking for the truth! :) THANK YOU!
Another nameless person in the virtual space...
Q. Who still plays games?
A. I do, I am quite in fact a hardcore gamer, but I am not a game developer (however I would love to get into it)

Q. How old are you?
A.I am 18 years old, and I do try and keep up with all the current technology.

Q. What are you doing for a living?
A. I work for my fathers company under quite a few titles...
My official title is Vice-President, and my other job titles there are Demolition Simulator, and Head Feild Manager.

I am looking however to use my music, and 3d modeling/animation skills to get into game development.
For now I want to start with a 2d game though...kind of like Diner Dash, i'm having trouble getting programmers though.

Q. Why are you playing games?
A. I enjoy them alot, I don't know why there should be any other reason...

Q. For how long have you been playing games?
A. About 12 years now....yep I became a harcore gamer as of 1995 though...32 bit technology, mode 7 snes, CHRONO TRIGGER!!!

Q. How often do you play games?
A. I play them about 20 hours a week....O_o

Q. Don't you feel that you could have done something better than playing games even casually?
A. Not really, I think there my releif...I have all I need as well.
I have a job, fiance, and even a car....I am happy with my life as it is.
I moderate how I play, yet still consider myself a hardcore gamer.

Do you think that everything is OK with modern games or you think that they are lacking something horribly?
A. Yes I do...I feel they lack story nowadays.
They no longer grasp the beauty of the old games...for example look at Chrono Trigger.
It has a PERMANENT place as the #4 game of all time on's list of the TOP100 Games of All Time.
Which proves its not graphics, but story what makes a game.
:) Wow, great response! Thank you!
Another nameless person in the virtual space...
How old are you?

What are you doing for living?

Why are you playing games?
For the same reason I read books, listen to music and watch movies, I guess.
When playing games I look for an interesting experience -- mainly emotionally and/or intellectual.

That's why I don't really go to the movies anymore as I just don't get what I need there; haven't been to cinema for a long time now, with the noble exception of Matrix 3 which was even worse than the first one -- I'd rather watch World on Wires.

I don't play blockbuster game titles either: no Doom 3 for me, no Half-Life 2, no Halo 2 and no GTA San Andreas. I'm just not interested; those games are irrelevant.

For how long have you been playing games?
Since about 17 years.

Back then at the age of three and four, I played a lot of sidescrollers on the C64; can't remember their names anymore though. But my best memories of that early time are of Donald Duck's Playground -- really awesome game for kids!

How often do you play games?
On a daily basis.
Sometimes just one hour, sometimes six hours & more -- depends strongly on my mood, the game, the season, the day, the weather and so on.

Don't you feel you could have done something better than playing games even casually?
Why? And what?

As long as there are games that give me something, games that move me emotionally, games that stimulate interesting thoughts, it's all fine with me.
Granted, I could go and help the poor children in Africa instead of playing video games -- thing is: I just don't care for them. Beeing a hypocrite may be trendy in the post-modern era but I for one only care for the problems of my relatives and close friends.

Do you think that everything is OK with modern games or you think that they are lacking something horribly?
If "modern games" equal to triple A+ titles with fancy pixel shader driven graphics, high polygon models, pseudo realistic physics engines and so on, then yeah: there is "something" wrong.

What are they lacking? Maybe a message, a meaning. Something that they can give me back. Something that let's me think about what I was doing while playing the game. These game are sterile, they lack soul, they simply aren't crafted with love anymore. Watching xXx or playing Halo? -- It is essentially the same; you just don't get anything meaningful out of it. Both are irrelevant, both won't stand the test of time -- they'll be forgotten.
And I am glad 'bout it.

What I want? Art.
Aren't games art? No. Games aren't art per se, just like movies aren't.

Thank you.
Who still play games?
I do, infrequently. The only game that holds my attention for a significant amount of time is World of Warcraft.

How old are you?
Just turned twenty.

What are you doing for living?
I graduated from the digital media arts program at Seneca College last April and I'm starting at University of Toronto for an as of yet undecided major this fall. The Beer Store is kind enough to employ me part-time to keep my schooling paid for.

Why are you playing games?
Kills time. Fun too.

For how long have you been playing games?
Since my hands were large enough to hold a gameboy.

How often do you play games?
Almost every day. Raiding in World of Warcraft eats up a lot of time, and I jam on my SNES a whole lot too.

Don't you feel you could have done something better than playing games even casually?
Definitely. In fact, I'm saving up to buy a guitar right now so I can balance my gaming habit with something constructive. And also because I want to rock it old school.

Do you think that everything is OK with modern games or you think that they are lacking something horribly?
Modern games hardly interest me at all. Almost every game that gets released nowadays feels like a sequel. It's all been done before.
Who still play games?
I still play games, however, not as often as I have in the past, I spend more time making games than playing them nowadays.

How old are you?

What are you doing for living?
Don't really have to do anything right now, although I do work as a lifeguard

Why are you playing games?
Mostly to do things that I usually can't. I don't mean go around killing hookers in GTA, I mean stuff like go to space, be a spec-ops guy, you know, stuff you have to devote your life to.

For how long have you been playing games?
Since I was 8, I got a red Gameboy with Mortal Kombat, Tetris, and Golf. I still have it.

How often do you play games?
Most days I'll play for maybe 30 minutes or so. I play Halo 2 on Live, but mostly me and my friends just talk, not much playing going on.

Don't you feel you could have done something better than playing games even casually?
I think there's room for playing games and doing something constructive. I still play games, I have a pilot's license, and I do fine in school, I don't think that in order to play games you have to sacrifice everything else.

Do you think that everything is OK with modern games or you think that they are lacking something horribly?
I'm going to break the trend here, but oh well[grin]... I really don't mind modern games. I own Halo 2 , Half-Life 2, Doom 3, etc. Sure, I usually end up playing the orginal Command and Conquer over those games, but I think they are great.
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
Q. Who still plays games?
A. I play every now and then. Not nearly as often as I used to when I was in high shcool

Q. How old are you?
A. 23

Q. What are you doing for a living?
A. I go to graduate school and study computer architecture, work for Freescale Semiconductor, develop my own (free) game in my spare time, and translate Japanese.

Q. Why are you playing games?
A. Same reason you'd watch TV or read a book. For entertainment. To escape real-life for a little while and enjoy myself.

Q. For how long have you been playing games?
A. Since I was about 4 years old (seriously, I still have my old Atari and Centipede cartridge).

Q. How often do you play games?
A. Lately, on average not more than 4 hours a week.

Q. Don't you feel that you could have done something better than playing games even casually?
A. No, I think that its important for people to find ways to enjoy themselves. Otherwise real life will crush you!

Q. Do you think that everything is OK with modern games or you think that they are lacking something horribly?
A. Yes. Games are made for profit now, not for fun. They are all tailored as if graphics and technology were the only thing that mattered. Most games completely neglect story and gameplay for breathtaking visuals. They are not as fun as they used to be back in the SNES days (which is one reason why I designed my game to be SNES-like [wink])

Hero of Allacrost - A free, open-source 2D RPG in development.
Latest release June, 2015 - GameDev annoucement

Who still play games?
I play games plenty, though not as much as I have in the past. My wife also enjoys playing games, as do all of my friends to one degree or another.

How old are you?
Older than above posters.

What are you doing for living?
Currently on vacation while buying a house. I've done helpdesk, sys admin work, and QA in the past.

Why are you playing games?
Why not? I'm highly competative, and games allow an outlet for that. Plus they're fun and all.

For how long have you been playing games?
20 years, give or take.

How often do you play games?
Pretty much every day for 20 years, give or take. Even working on hobby games heavily, and working full time, I'll still usually put in about 20 hours a week. At my peak I played probably 90+ hours of computer games or M:TG. [Don't do that kiddies, it's bad for your university life :) ]

Don't you feel you could have done something better than playing games even casually?
Absolutely. Odds are they wouldn't be as fun though.

Do you think that everything is OK with modern games or you think that they are lacking something horribly?

I don't think everything is okay, but not everything is horrible. I dislike the trend away from PC games. I think that's a mistake, and will limit gaming significantly. I think that EA's monopoly license of NFL games is horrible. I dislike the decline in pinball machines, but understand it.

And nothing to do with gaming, but the current majority crop of gamers are decidedly less mature than when I was in the majority. It used to be that you required some knowledge to get online. It's not even maturity, but a level of empathy or sportsmanship that just isn't there...

No offense, Nameless, but it sounds like you're just getting too old for this stuff [wink]

Hahaha, anyway. I totally agree about the missing aspect of modern games. But I'm not sure it was ever there. Or at least in western games. There are games like X-Com and Fallout, but I believe that most of the quality they had still exists in todays games. The part that I miss the most is that incredible old-school Japanese story that grabs you and sucks you into another existence. Makes you cry, makes you laugh, then ends and leaves you dying for more. I'm sure western games can reach the same beauty, I'm just not sure they're trying to.
Q. Who still plays games?

Q. How old are you?
A. 24

Q. What are you doing for a living?
A. going to school for Game Development and working other jobs. Ive been doing Gas Station gigs for a while since they're insanely easy (Why get a hard job that pays the same??). Right now, Im working on contract for a company that works under Nintendo Power to create the single-game strategy guides. My job position is "Game Master" and my duties are to play through the games to find all the secrets and strategies and take notes of everything. Its pretty rad.

Q. Why are you playing games?
A. The same reason Quinten Tarrentino watched movies. Im sure I mispelled Quinten's name.

Q. For how long have you been playing games?
A. I first played Super Mario Bros. when i was 5ish at my cousins house when we visited for Christmas. My parents bought an NES a few weeks later, and i never stopped.

Q. How often do you play games?
A. Aside from the time i play games at work, I only manage to log in about 10 hours of personal game time a week... but thats what happens when youve got a full time job and go to school full time.

Q. Don't you feel that you could have done something better than playing games even casually?
A. Getting laid in highschool. Or, getting laid today. Yeah, that would be nice. Reeeaalll nice.

Do you think that everything is OK with modern games or you think that they are lacking something horribly?
A. I cant agree with such a blanket statement. The way i see it, there are the same percentage of good games today as there were 10 years ago. I remember playing ALOT of really shitty SNES games, but I also remember playing some amazing ones. Just like today.
Im losing the popularity contest. $rating --;

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