Original post by stake
Not sure what you mean by p2p database??
Maybe you mean distributed database?? Probably.
No, a distributed database (at least by the wikipedia definition) implies a central management system.
With the peer to peer system I'm envisioning, the clients would directly be part of the database hosting mechanism, and would modify the database contents directly through specific "actions" most likely. These actions and results in turn would be accepted or rejected by their peers. Again, the earlier example, a peer will reject a modification which transports a target over 30 meteres in one second if that peer knows the maximum speed of that target is 3 meters a second.
So is the querying distributed..or the data transfer..or both.
Both. The exact mechanics of the querying - specifically, finding out what peers have relevant information - could pose an interesting challange.
If you mean a distributed database, then concurrency control will
overshadow security as a major difficulty.
How do you plan on tackling concurrency control?
Redundancy and statistics is what comes to mind at the moment. Nodes can and will constantly be comming on and offline, so a lot of duplication is going to be required. Concurrency control will be partially based on the same measures as the anti-hacking ones, absolute concurency is fairly hard to imagine. I should create a post on this alone, most likely...