
RTS entries.

Started by August 02, 2005 02:49 AM
4 comments, last by d000hg 19 years, 2 months ago
So I know a few of us are working on RTS games of some sort - thought it might be interesting to see just how many there are, and how far along people are. As well as anything you're willing to divulge... I'm working on a traditional 3D RTS (high, isometric-type camera), implementing 3D terrain and using between 2-4 of the contest elements. I've recently gained GDnet's Keratin as project artist which makes the whole thing way more credible AFAIC. So far I have a terrain editor, and a simple game framework which allows scrolling aound a map, empty apart from some scenery like trees. A minimap is implemented and I have the basics of a GUI which I expect to prove invaluable for asving me time later on. The current task is implementing a GameObject class (kinda done) and getting it to display a .X model onscreen (almost done). Anyone else...
I am planning to do a sort of RTS like game.

More tactics than strategy though, with a very basic tech tree, and very few unit types for each side.

I'm going to use a height field for the terrain and 3D models for the objects, buildings, and units.

I just started working on this last weekend (just a couple hours). Currently, I'm still in the planning out stage, but I have started to put together some code for the graphics engine (resource loader/manager, beginnings of the scenegraph, etc.).

I don't have an artist, so I'm just using stuff I find on the net or programmer art.
I am doing an RTS. Using 2 of the 4 elements as Races and the other 2 as special units for a third race.

I have a scrolling world, with minimap, keyboard shortcuts to access units and spaces on the map. A basic design of required units and features has been done.

Mostly I'll be using Reiners graphics but for the Robot race I have an artist. So far 3 of the robot's 5 buildings have been modelled but not yet included in the game.

Next step is to do A* pathfinding properly into the game. Once that is done I think the rest of the game will fit together very nicely.

Unfortunatly I havn't spent any time on it for the last month as work has got in the way (6 weeks of 60+ hours :( )

Project gets handed over to users in 2 weeks time - I should then have lots of time available.
Im doing RTS also, but im doing something really weird(and posibly akward) with mine. All I can say is that it's very hands ons style of play where placement matters more then build speed.

I dont know, it might not work out right, but here's hoping.

I need an artist also heh, I guess we are all short of RTS artists.

This is my first RTS, but they are fun to program!

How are you guys doing your HUD? Im trying "not" to have one, but I realize that that might be just too much input to put in the poor little mouse.

More than likely my game will use a normal dashboard type display at the bottom of the screen.

I have thought of using a system like the Sims. When you select a unit/building/group of units a display is shown around them with possible commands that lets the player click on them to select.

The additional complexity of - has the player clicked a command button or another unit on the map leads me to think it would be easier to just use the typical display at the bottom of the screen instead.
I've got the standard bar at the side of the screen for the minimap, I guess when a unit/building is selected then options for that unit will be displayed.

I'm strongly tempted to have a menu at the top of the screen like in windows programs; this could control bookmarks, selecting to build units, changing map mode etc. It's an efficient and tested design which doesn't clutter up the screen.

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