Original post by Jiia Using a controller for what? An analog fits the game the best. Imagine being able to play Diablo with one instead of point and clicking. That would be very similar to the feel of my game. Well, if Diablo wasn't so stiff and tile based, and if characters could move at infinite ranges of speeds, and it was 3D.
Where is your analog stick located? My keyboard certainly doesn't have one.
I played Mount and Blade a long time ago...he posted on RPG Codex during development asking for help with a name for the game :)....Ill have to replay to remember it.
Im still working on a system myself...here's what Im thinking:
w, a, s, d = movement q= punch e= kick
then 3 inputs from the movement keys (up, down, right, left):
1st = style of movement (we have 3 schools: brawling, martial arts, wrestling/submissions)
2nd + 3rd = combo of type of movement type (we have damage, stun, block, counter, drop, disarm, evade, and launch)
Sooooo...if you wanted to get a brawling kick that did damage you'd hit: e + (up) + (right) + (down)
or for a martial arts punch: q + (right) + (down) + (down)
Im still toying with it in my mind. Im wondering if I ought to incorporate high middle and low into the equasion or if that's just to terribly complicated. If you split someone up into 9 hitboxes would you really be able to predict which one to hit or defend?
Oh well...Id love to find out how the OP's decision is coming along.
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Original post by Jiia Using a controller for what? An analog fits the game the best. Imagine being able to play Diablo with one instead of point and clicking. That would be very similar to the feel of my game. Well, if Diablo wasn't so stiff and tile based, and if characters could move at infinite ranges of speeds, and it was 3D.
Where is your analog stick located? My keyboard certainly doesn't have one.
Oh, you were asking if I'm using a controller as I'm developing the game? Yeah, I'm using a Playstation 2 controller. But anything will work. Why do you ask? Because I'm inept at throwing dragon punches with an analog? I've tried playing Street Fighter with one, and it's true. I can toss them out easy with arcade sticks or D-Pads, but the smoothness of analog makes it difficult for me to judge how far I need to press to register each direction. It may just be because of lack of practice with it.
Original post by Vanquish Oh well...Id love to find out how the OP's decision is coming along
I'm planning to just stick with simple motions for now. Once I get attacks rolling out, I might try to see how difficult some things are to pull off with the keyboard and analog.
Original post by Jiia Using a controller for what? An analog fits the game the best. Imagine being able to play Diablo with one instead of point and clicking. That would be very similar to the feel of my game. Well, if Diablo wasn't so stiff and tile based, and if characters could move at infinite ranges of speeds, and it was 3D.
Where is your analog stick located? My keyboard certainly doesn't have one.
Oh, you were asking if I'm using a controller as I'm developing the game? Yeah, I'm using a Playstation 2 controller. But anything will work. Why do you ask? Because I'm inept at throwing dragon punches with an analog? I've tried playing Street Fighter with one, and it's true. I can toss them out easy with arcade sticks or D-Pads, but the smoothness of analog makes it difficult for me to judge how far I need to press to register each direction. It may just be because of lack of practice with it.
Well, you're using a controller. Your controller has a D-Pad. So why not use the D-Pad? Maybe you could have the D-Pad as your Movement/Combo/Whatever input device and you could use Analog as your Movement/Whatever input device if you're so inclined on having movement with the analog. I can't stand using analog sticks with fighters, I can never get a real feel for it. Could be from lack of practice, though.
Original post by ferr Well, you're using a controller. Your controller has a D-Pad. So why not use the D-Pad? Maybe you could have the D-Pad as your Movement/Combo/Whatever input device and you could use Analog as your Movement/Whatever input device if you're so inclined on having movement with the analog.
Because my game needs so many dang buttons. The player will most likely need those four directions to perform some actions. I mean, it's possible to allow defining seperate movement controls for combat and relaxed modes, so the player can choose to use your idea or not. Actually, it's a great idea to include that. It's not that much of a hassle defining two axes twice.
I can't stand using analog sticks with fighters, I can never get a real feel for it. Could be from lack of practice, though.
That was my point. That's why I was thinking I should stray away from fighter type motions. Seriously, if you could try out controlling my characters with an analog stick, you would understand why I want to use it. But as soon as I get some combat up and running, a demo will be posted at www.Kestarda.com (nothing there yet). Then I can stop bragging and start showing it off ;)
The only games with the same level of control for a character that I know of is the new Prince of Persia games. Try playing that with a D-pad or keyboard keys and then an analog. I think those games even recommended an analog controller in it's input configuration menu.
Original post by Jiia This would be the best controlled method. But is it possible to do locks without using buttons? If I remember correctly, I never used the lock on feature of Zelda unless I couldn't see correctly, or was shooting spiders with a bow, or fighting some bosses.
GTA: SA uses right mouse button to lock on closest enemy in front of you. (then you can use Q and E to cycle through valid targets) While the lock is active, the movement keys change function to forward/backwards and sideway rolls... i can see it working just as well with combo system -- while the lock key is pressed, quick tap of say, back forward forward executes a jump at your opponent or whatever. Just because arcade cabinets make players draw circles with control stick doesn't mean the keyboard solution has to copy it all down to the specific patterns -.^
With four attack buttons, I don't think I can afford to require holding another. I think my plan is to just make the attacks themselves try to direct the character toward the closest enemy. So as the attack is started, the character will align themself to hit whoever is the most likely intended as the animation plays out.
If it's for a PS2 style controller, have the players designate four attack styles that they plan to use for the next round (similar to designating "turbo speed" and "style" in Capcom's fighting games). Then it would just be a matter of pressing R1, R2, L1, L2 to pick your style on the fly.
In it, the player controls a huge robot (we're talking godzilla-fighting big) and they use the PS2 controller for fighting.
When fighting, the two analog sticks are used to control the arms. Pull down on the right stick and the right arm swings back, tilt it far forward and you perform a devastating forward punch!
By tilting the anolog sticks you can do all sorts of things, roundhouse punches, quick-boxing punches, tilt both sticks to the middle and you can block attacks.
Also, the PS2 controller has it so you can press the control sticks like buttons (they are the L3 and R3 buttons) and in Alchemic Drive, when you press R3 then the right arm of your robots switches into a weapon (one robot gets a huge drill where its hand was, another gets a cannon, etc.)
This freed up the D-pad for movement and the circle, square, X, and triangle buttons for shooting lasers or transforming and stuff.
Anyway, in your game you could use the anolog sticks for various attacks or interactions (hold R1 to pick things up and release to throw for example), the d-pad for movement and the other buttons for jumping, talking etc.
then you could also use the L3 and R3 buttons to switch individual arms between different fighting styles or equip weapons. Like the player to equip a sword to the right hand and a shield in the left, while normally they would walk with the weapons on their back and use their fists as weapons ,they could pres R3 to pull out their sword and fence with it. Then press L3 to pull out their shield to block or hit enemies with.
Yes, I have played it. That was some great fun. It makes you wonder if one really could control a mech with a PS2 controller ;)
Currently, moving can be done with keys, and the other side of the keybaord can be used to attack, or possibly the mouse can be used to attack. But it's probably only worthwhile if you have four buttons on your mouse. Otherwise, you'd have to press shift to do the secondary attacks.
Unfortunately, I can't rely on dual analog sticks. I can't even rely on a single analog. Or I'll exclude keyboard users for good. I've actually stopped using my PS2 controller while designing my game, so that I will notice gameplay elements that need tweaked for the keyboard and mouse. But there's no denying that an analog stick feels the best. Not to mention the amount your mouse hand will thank you. I'll have wrist arthritis before I turn 30. Too much modeling and texture drawing, as well as playing clickathon games.