

Started by July 31, 2005 10:13 AM
1 comment, last by ScopeDynamo 19 years, 6 months ago
Hi, I've been coding a small Neural Network lib, and it worked upto the point where I coded backprop 'training'. The neural net is a standard 3 layer feed forward network. (Input Layer->Hidden Layer->Output Layer.) All easy to grasp as I wasn't going for extreme effiency, just trying to get it running atm. Here's the code,

using namespace std;
double rndn( double from,double fin)
    double rndr =(double) rand()/RAND_MAX;
    return from+(fin-from)*rndr;

double rndn()
    return (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;
double sigmoid(double netinput, double response=1)
    return ( 1.0 / ( 1.0 + exp(-netinput / response)));

class Neuron


	void modWeight( int connection,double val){
    void connectNeuron( Neuron *to){
        out.push_back( to );
        to->addInput( (Neuron *)this);
//		cout<<"Connected Neuron"<<endl;
//		cout<<"Oc:"+oc<<endl;
//		cout<<"ic:"+to->ic;
    void init(){
        for(int j=0;j<255;j++)
        output =0;
	double getWeight( int connection =0){
		return w[connection];

	void sumInputs()
        double weight =0;
        for(int i=0;i<ic;i++)
		    weight += w * in->getOutput() ;
//        weight+= w[ic]*-1;
       // if(output>w[ic]*-1){
           output =sigmoid(weight,-1);
       // }else{
        //    output=0;
    void fire(){

    void setOutput( double noutput)

    double getOutput()
		cout<<"Echo Neuron called."<<endl;
		cout<<"Output is:"<<output<<endl;

		return output;

	void incInput(){
	void addInput( Neuron *inN){
		in.push_back( inN );
		cout <<"Added input>"<<ic<<endl;
	void echoOutput( bool enable=true){
	double getErr(){
		return err;
	void setErr( double val){
	double getDelta(){
		return delta;
	void setDelta(double ndelta){
		delta = ndelta;

    vector<Neuron *>in;
    vector<Neuron *>out;
    double w[255];
    double output;
    int ic,oc;
	bool echoOut;
	double err;
	double delta;
// TODO (Antony#1#): Try increasing network by adding random neurons in areas of high activitity.
class NInput
	void addWatch(){
	void value(double input)
        dat->setOutput( input );
    Neuron *getNeuron(){
        return dat;
    void setNeuron(Neuron *an){
        dat = an;
    Neuron *dat;


class NOutput
    double value()
        return dat->getOutput();
    Neuron *getNeuron(){
        return dat;
    void setNeuron(Neuron *an){
        dat = an;
	void target( double val){
		desired = val;
	double getTarget(){
		return desired;

    Neuron *dat;
    const char *name;
	double desired;

class NeuralNet

    void addHiddenLayer( int neurons=8)
        for(int j=0;j<neurons;j++)
            hidden.push_back( new Neuron);

    NInput* addInput()
        NInput *out = new NInput;
        out->setNeuron( new Neuron);
        inputs.push_back( out );
        return out;

    NOutput *addOutput()
        NOutput *out = new NOutput;
        out->setNeuron( new Neuron);
        outputs.push_back( out );
        return out;


    void connectNetwork()
        for(int j=0;j<ic;j++)
            for(int k=0;k<hc;k++)
               Neuron *neuron;
                Neuron *hneuron = hidden[k];
                NInput *tempi = inputs[j];
               neuron = tempi->getNeuron();
                neuron->connectNeuron( hneuron );
        for(int j=0;j<hc;j++)
            for(int k=0;k<oc;k++)
                Neuron *neuron = hidden[j];
                Neuron *oneuron;
                NOutput *tempo=outputs[k];
                oneuron = tempo->getNeuron();
                neuron->connectNeuron( oneuron );
    void cycle(){
        //Feed network.
		for(int j=0;j<hc;j++){
		//	hidden[j]->modWeight( 0,5 );
        for(int j=0;j<oc;j++){
		//Calculate output neurons error.
		for(int j=0;j<oc;j++){
			double error;
		    double target=outputs[j]->getTarget();
			double actual=outputs[j]->value();
			error=(target - actual) * actual * (1 - actual);
			//error = actual * ( 1-actual)*(target-actual);
			outputs[j]->getNeuron()->setDelta( error );
		double delta_sum=0;

		for(int j=0;j<hc;++j){
			for (int k=0;k<oc;++k)
				delta_sum+=outputs[k]->getNeuron()->getDelta()*outputs[k]->getNeuron()->getWeight( j );
			//	outputs[k]->getNeuron()->modWeight( j, outputs[k]->getNeuron()->getDelta()*outputs[k]->getNeuron()->getOutput() );
			//	hidden_weight[middlenode][outputnode]+=delta_output[outputnode]*out_hidden[middlenode];
			cout<<"Delta Sum was:"<<delta_sum<<endl;

			//	delta_hidden[middlenode]=delta_sum*out_hidden[middlenode]*(1-out_hidden[middlenode]);
			hidden[j]->setDelta( delta_sum*hidden[j]->getOutput()*(1-hidden[j]->getOutput()) );

		for(int j=0;j<ic;++j){
			for(int k=0;k<hc;++k){
				//hidden[k]->modWeight( j,2 );
				hidden[k]->modWeight( j,hidden[k]->getDelta()*inputs[j]->getNeuron()->getOutput() );

	//Calculate hidden neurons error.

    vector<NInput *> inputs;
    int ic;
    vector<Neuron *> hidden;
    int hc;
    vector<NOutput*> outputs;
    int oc;


#endif // NEURALNET_H

And here's the bit that specifically updates the net and the backprop code. (Cut and pasted from above, not in addition)

void cycle(){
        //Feed network.
		for(int j=0;j<hc;j++){
		//	hidden[j]->modWeight( 0,5 );
        for(int j=0;j<oc;j++){
		//Calculate output neurons error.
		for(int j=0;j<oc;j++){
			double error;
		    double target=outputs[j]->getTarget();
			double actual=outputs[j]->value();
			error=(target - actual) * actual * (1 - actual);
			//error = actual * ( 1-actual)*(target-actual);
			outputs[j]->getNeuron()->setDelta( error );
		double delta_sum=0;

		for(int j=0;j<hc;++j){
			for (int k=0;k<oc;++k)
				delta_sum+=outputs[k]->getNeuron()->getDelta()*outputs[k]->getNeuron()->getWeight( j );
			//	outputs[k]->getNeuron()->modWeight( j, outputs[k]->getNeuron()->getDelta()*outputs[k]->getNeuron()->getOutput() );
			//	hidden_weight[middlenode][outputnode]+=delta_output[outputnode]*out_hidden[middlenode];
			cout<<"Delta Sum was:"<<delta_sum<<endl;

			//	delta_hidden[middlenode]=delta_sum*out_hidden[middlenode]*(1-out_hidden[middlenode]);
			hidden[j]->setDelta( delta_sum*hidden[j]->getOutput()*(1-hidden[j]->getOutput()) );

		for(int j=0;j<ic;++j){
			for(int k=0;k<hc;++k){
				//hidden[k]->modWeight( j,2 );
				hidden[k]->modWeight( j,hidden[k]->getDelta()*inputs[j]->getNeuron()->getOutput() );

Am I doing something wrong? As is the outputs NEVER change, no matter how much I fiddle with the hidden layer's weights.
I have a link to my C# code for a 3 layer network if you want to compare.

Thanks, I converted the backprop specific part of your code to my net engine and it worked perfectly.(As far as I can tell anyway. No expert)

Here's my net class again with your code coverted in case you or anyone else finds it helpful. I wish I had a simple program like this a few days ago when I started out :)

using namespace std;double rndn( double from,double fin){	srand( (int)GetTickCount() );    double rndr =(double) rand()/RAND_MAX;    return from+(fin-from)*rndr;};double rndn(){	srand( (int)GetTickCount() );    return (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;};double sigmoid(double netinput, double response=1){    return ( 1.0 / ( 1.0 + exp(-netinput / response)));}class Neuron{public:    ~Neuron()    {}	Neuron(){		ic=0;		oc=0;		output=0;		echoOut=false;		init();		outmode=0;	};	void modWeight( int connection,double val){		w[connection]+=val;	};    void connectNeuron( Neuron *to){        out.push_back( to );        oc++;        to->addInput( (Neuron *)this);      //		cout<<"Connected Neuron"<<endl;//		cout<<"Oc:"+oc<<endl;//		cout<<"ic:"+to->ic;	};        void init(){        oc=0;        ic=0;                   for(int j=0;j<255;j++)        {            w[j]=-1.0+rndn()*2.0;        };                output =0;    };            	double getWeight( int connection =0){		return w[connection];	};	void sumInputs()    {        double weight =0;			        for(int i=0;i<ic+1;i++)        {			if(i<ic){		    weight += w * in->getOutput() ;			}else{			weight += w * 1;			};		};	//..        weight+= w[ic]*-1;       // if(output>w[ic]*-1){		if(outmode=1){			 output =sigmoid(weight,1);		}else{           output=weight;		};            };        void fire(){            };    void setOutput( double noutput)    {        output=noutput;    };	void outputMode(int mode){		outmode=mode;	};    double getOutput()    {		if(echoOut==true){		cout<<"Echo Neuron called."<<endl;		cout<<"Output is:"<<output<<endl;		};		return output;    };	void incInput(){		ic++;	};	void addInput( Neuron *inN){		in.push_back( inN );		ic++;		cout <<"Added input>"<<ic<<endl;	};	void echoOutput( bool enable=true){		echoOut=enable;	};	double getErr(){		return err;	};	void setErr( double val){		err=val;	};	double getDelta(){		return delta;	};	void setDelta(double ndelta){		delta = ndelta;	};private:    vector<Neuron *>in;    vector<Neuron *>out;    double w[255];    double output;    int ic,oc;	bool echoOut;	double err;	double delta;	int outmode;};// TODO (Antony#1#): Try increasing network by adding random neurons in areas of high activitity.class NInput{public:	void addWatch(){		dat->echoOutput(true);	};	void value(double input)    {        dat->setOutput( input );    }	double getValue(){		return dat->getOutput();	};    Neuron *getNeuron(){        return dat;    };    void setNeuron(Neuron *an){        dat = an;    };		protected:    Neuron *dat;};class NOutput{public:	NOutput(){		desired=0;	};	~NOutput(){	};    double value()    {        return dat->getOutput();    }    Neuron *getNeuron(){        return dat;    };    void setNeuron(Neuron *an){        dat = an;    };	void target( double val){		desired = val;	};	double getTarget(){		return desired;	};    protected:    Neuron *dat;    const char *name;	double desired;};class NeuralNet{public:   NeuralNet(){	   ic=oc=hc=0;	   doBackprop=true;   };   ~NeuralNet(){   };    void addHiddenLayer( int neurons=8)    {		hc=0;        for(int j=0;j<neurons;j++)        {                        hidden.push_back( new Neuron);            hidden[j]->outputMode( 1 );            hc++;        };        //        hc=neurons;    };    NInput* addInput()    {        NInput *out = new NInput;        out->setNeuron( new Neuron);        out->getNeuron()->init();		out->getNeuron()->outputMode( 1);		inputs.push_back( out );        ic++;		return out;    };    NOutput *addOutput()    {        NOutput *out = new NOutput;        out->setNeuron( new Neuron);        out->getNeuron()->init();        outputs.push_back( out );        oc++;                return out;    };    void connectNetwork()    {        for(int j=0;j<ic;j++)        {            for(int k=0;k<hc;k++)            {               Neuron *neuron;                Neuron *hneuron = hidden[k];                NInput *tempi = inputs[j];               neuron = tempi->getNeuron();                neuron->connectNeuron( hneuron );            };        };		        for(int j=0;j<hc;j++)        {            for(int k=0;k<oc;k++)            {                Neuron *neuron = hidden[j];                Neuron *oneuron;                NOutput *tempo=outputs[k];                oneuron = tempo->getNeuron();                neuron->connectNeuron( oneuron );            };        };    };        double cycle(){        //Feed network.		for(int j=0;j<hc;j++){            hidden[j]->sumInputs();				};        for(int j=0;j<oc;j++){            outputs[j]->getNeuron()->sumInputs();        };		double avg_err=0;		//Calculate output neurons error.		for(int j=0;j<oc;j++){			double error;		    double target=outputs[j]->getTarget();			double actual=outputs[j]->value();	//		error=(target - actual) * actual * (1 - actual);	//	error = actual * ( 1-actual)*(target-actual);			error = target-actual ;			avg_err+=sqrt( error*error );			outputs[j]->getNeuron()->setDelta( error );		};		if(doBackprop==false) return 0;		double yout[255];		double hout[255];		double hout2[255];		for(int i=0;i<oc;i++){			yout = 0;			for (int j=0;j<hc+1;j++)			{				if(j<hc){				yout += outputs->getNeuron()->getWeight( j )*hidden[j]->getOutput();						}else{				yout += outputs->getNeuron()->getWeight( j )*1 ;				};			}			// linear derivative = 1			yout = 1*outputs->getNeuron()->getDelta();		};// calculate the hout derivatives		for (int i=0;i<hc;i++)		{			hout=0;			for (int j=0;j<ic+1;j++)			{				if(j<ic){				hout += hidden->getWeight(j)*inputs[j]->getNeuron()->getOutput();				}else{				hout += hidden->getWeight(j)*1;				};			}				// derivative of 1/(1+exp(-x))			hout = exp( -hout ) / ((1+exp( -hout)) *(1+ exp(-hout)));		}		for (int i=0;i<hc;i++)		{			hout2=0;			for (int j=0;j<oc;j++)			{				hout2 += yout[j]*outputs[j]->getNeuron()->getWeight(i);			}			hout = hout*hout2;		}		double learning_rate = 0.01;		for (int i=0;i<oc;i++)		{			for (int j=0;j<hc+1;j++)			{				if(j<hc){							outputs->getNeuron()->modWeight( j,learning_rate*yout*hidden[j]->getOutput() );				}else{					outputs->getNeuron()->modWeight( j,learning_rate*yout*1 );				};			}		};// input_weight changes		for (int i=0;i<hc;i++)		{			for (int j=0;j<ic+1;j++)			{				if(j<ic){					hidden->modWeight(j,learning_rate*hout*inputs[j]->getNeuron()->getOutput() );				}else{					hidden->modWeight(j,learning_rate*hout*1);				};			}		}		return avg_err;	//Calculate hidden neurons error.    };	void learn( bool enable = true ){		doBackprop = enable;	};protected:	bool doBackprop;    vector<NInput *> inputs;    int ic;    vector<Neuron *> hidden;    int hc;    vector<NOutput*> outputs;    int oc;private:};

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