
Pam and PG

Started by July 26, 2005 09:41 PM
3 comments, last by tstrimp 19 years, 4 months ago
I've got the source for a pam module that allows me to verify against a PG database however it is designed to run on debian and I'm using FC4. I didn't think there would be much of a problem since I was compiling my own and not using any sort of package, however I'm having trouble getting some of the dependencies for it. Now I'm relatively new to linux so my real question is assuming I can work out those dependencies issues would there be anything else that would hold my up as far as the library being written for Debian and me installing on FC4? Tim.
Well apart from a few warnings I got it to compile ok. God bless yum.
Ok, I've got PAM authenticating using the Postgres database however vsftpd still doesn't allow the user to log in. Does anyone have ny ideas? The pam log entry give me
Jul 27 12:07:51 tstrimplinux PAM_pgsql[16930]: (vsftpd) user webmaster authenticated.

but vsftpd log shows:

Wed Jul 27 17:07:51 2005 [pid 16931] CONNECT: Client ""Wed Jul 27 17:07:51 2005 [pid 16931] FTP response: Client "", "220 (vsFTPd 2.0.3)"Wed Jul 27 17:07:51 2005 [pid 16931] FTP command: Client "", "USER webmaster"Wed Jul 27 17:07:51 2005 [pid 16931] [webmaster] FTP response: Client "", "331 Please specify the password."Wed Jul 27 17:07:51 2005 [pid 16931] [webmaster] FTP command: Client "", "PASS <password>"Wed Jul 27 17:07:51 2005 [pid 16930] [webmaster] FAIL LOGIN: Client ""Wed Jul 27 17:07:51 2005 [pid 16931] [webmaster] FTP response: Client "", "530 Login incorrect."

That was wierd. I could have sworn I was in the Lounge when I said that.

Anyway, I dont know how I can help you.
............Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?
I'm going to try adding some more useful debugging info to the module. In the mean time can anyone redirect me to a more active linux forum. [grin]

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