
Short piano doodle. 1.9mb

Started by July 17, 2005 02:09 AM
10 comments, last by joelmartinez 19 years, 7 months ago Something I tossed together tonight, I figured I'd share with you guys =)
I like this a lot. You have a very expressive style of playing--very crisp and clean. You also have a great sense for balancing the melody with the left hand. If anyone tells you to "add sum frikkin beets and get noo samples," don't you dare listen. The only thing I could possibly say is this: do you have any friends who play cello? You could try writing a counterpoint for your melody and repeating it a second time with the cello playing either counterpoint or the melodic line--you might be able to get a little more time out of it that way. But other than that, I have nothing to say but nice work. Trained or self-taught?
Very nice and soothing :)
That sounded very nice! If you ever get a chance to, record it on a real piano as it'll make the piece sparkle :)

I like the aformentioned idea of adding a cello too. Very nice work! | [email="matt[nospam]@pixelwrench[nospam]com"]email[/email] lethalhamster: gamedev keeps taking my money, but im too lazy to not let them
Very very nice. Soothing definately describes this, just wish it were longer :)
It's beautiful, very espressive. :up:
i think the bass is too much, u should cut off some bass ..
That is a wonderful beautiful work.
Fear me, for I shape this very world as I see fit. I am all-powerful, all-mighty....with mere strings of numbers and letters I determine the very fabric of this dimension!!Behold, I am a CS major!!
As Blaise mentioned, it could use more counterpoint in the accompaniment. The strings, especially in the cello and contrabass range, shouldn’t move with the piano melody, but against it, or instead during moments of sustained chords. That way they don’t have to be so restrained and can be brought out more when the attention isn’t on the piano. Think of accompaniment as a secondary melodic line that is simple, but unique. Look into adding suspensions, or harmonies that cross the bar line to create temporary dissonances.

Also, it could be a bit longer. If you so desired, you could write a contrasting middle section, and then return to the main idea at the end.
Quite well done, good job. A few quick notes :) There are some places where you do quick notes that you could drop one and use the silence to greater effect. Vangelis is a good source in this case as he does that too, so if you happen to have any of his CDs then they are a good source of inspiration. I mention this because your melody kind of reminds me of one of his old melodies (put's you in good company then doesn't it :) ?) Personally, I would maybe use the strings a bit earlier and the melody feels like it ends too quickly, maybe you need a soft cresendo (other than what you have now which seems to just die out, if you know what I mean)?
No no no no! :)

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