Quote:Original post by makeshiftwings
Quote:Original post by Nytehauq Yes, I've heard of this. I didn't say they'd want it - I said it would be better and they would like it. |
Hmm... seems like you're trying to dictate what their opinions should be. If everyone really prefers action-packed rpgs but doesn't know it, then the market would have shifted towards them by now; the idea of adding more twitch to an RPG isn't particularly novel, and has been done in many games. The fact that "boring" rpgs still sell by the truckload leads me to believe that many people who claim to like them actually do like them. |
1) I said nothing of what everyone 'really' prefers. I talked about what they would like better. But you can like two things, like on better, and still use both of them. Preference seems to indicate mutual exclusivity - which is not what I'm suggesting. 2) People do like "boring" RPG's. And people will still like "fun" RPG's better. I don't see your point. Furthermore, how was I dictating what their opinions should be? Everyone doesn't prefer "Action packed RPG's" - this is true. But I'm not even advocating the 'Action packed' RPG you seem to be describing. What does that have to do with people enjoying RPG's designed in the way I described? I didn't describe the cliche twitch based RPG, nor did I describe any game currently on the market. It seems that everyone assumes that any RPG that is A) Different, and B) Related to action = the normal cliche hack 'n slash boring, mundane RPG. I think it should be obvious that that is not what I'm advocating. If you're going to argue the point, argue the point. Don't explain to me that Diablo II sucks therefore my game sucks too, or that "Action RPG's" 'are bad' therefore your idea has to suck. My idea is particularly novel, and it hasn't been done in many games. In fact, the only game that has the combat I described in the previous example was Devil May Cry - seeing as I desribed Devil May Cry's combat system. There is no other game with the same combat system, much less an RPG. And I'm quite sure that Devil May Cry does not have boring, mundane twitch combat. It's really damn hard - and many many people still play it despite this fact. It's because they find the combat really really fun.
The fact that 'boring' (Of course, I never meant to imply that they were boring - just boring relative to what I proposed) RPG's sell by the truckload is due to the fact that they are currently the best on the market - this doesn't mean that they are 'great' - it just means that most RPG's are worse, they are currently the only RPG's that offer vast online worlds, and they are currently the only RPG's that already have an established fan base. Sales figures don't neccesarily mean a good game. Actually, in most cases, it means great marketing. And, contrary to popular belief, people
will buy absolute crap because they don't know any better. Now, these games aren't absolute crap, but whether or not they sell well has nothing to do with whether or not their gameplay is good.
Quote:Quote:It's more fun to wail on someone and send them flying backwards into a set of enemies and call down a meteor from the heavens and watch as they are utterly obliterated by your amazing power than it is to . . . sit . . . wait . . . computer automatically rolls an attack . . . wait . . . you miss . . . you automatically hit your opponent and a feeble recoil animation plays . . . wait . . . . . . alt-F4. |
But is it more fun to be frustrated by awkward controls and the need to repetitively click click click jump click click dodge jump combo combo dodge click dodge combo jump vs. choosing "Meteor" from your list and having it auto-target your enemy? |
No, it isn't more fun to fumble over akward controls. Where did you see me say anything about controls in my piece? Where did you get the "repetitively click click click jump click click dodge jump combo" from? I think you're assuming what type of game I'm describing and arguing against that game. It's a strawman argument. I'm quite sure the game that you're depicting sucks quite much, but that isn't my game.
I like the first one better. While players may be biased against it - their opinions don't change whether or not it's better. |
There is no "better"; there are two things: which YOU like better, which is of course important for your own game design, and what the market in general and your target market in particular like better. Most signs point to RPG fans liking less twitch, and being turned off by people trying to fuse Tekken into their Final Fantasy. |
Well, the first part is wordplay - I depicted two starkly contrasting points and threw in "I like the first one better" to emphasize how silly the second point sounded -
not to say that the first one was better in my opinion, but to say that the first one
is better, period, my opinion notwithstanding. RPG fans don't like current twitch RPG's. Did I describe a 'current' twitch RPG? Most times, the combat isn't even the problem anyway. Most 'twitch' RPG's lack other aspects that define the RPG genre. The combat is better than the average RPG - but that's a given. Instead of wait wait wait it's click click click. The problem arises when
all there is is click click click. No real social interaction, no interesting RPG world - they slack off on a whole bunch of non-combat related stuff.
Now, if you had an RPG that had action-oriented
fair combat (I described 'twitch based' combat that relied on the character moreso than the player already) and the rest of the good things in RPG's, would you have a problem with the combat? Or is it the stigma attached to most RPG's of the twitch based genre that has you irritated?
[Edited by - Nytehauq on July 26, 2005 6:45:14 PM]