Wolfenstein & Doom would not have been possible to create using OOD in the day they were created.
Doom III is a C++ project, not sure about OOD, but I imagine so if ID decided to use C++.
Using OOD (which requires inheritence, virtuals, & base class pointers), you pay a dereferencing penalty for each item of data or each function you access.
Using C++ can drive you crazy trying to figure out a decent design, I often feel like I''m chasing my tail.
In a modern Windows title you are required to use at least a little bit of OOD when you use Dx. Clearly DirectX is fast enough to create a game, and clearly Dx uses virtuals (though not too many).
Program execution speed is no longer a serious reason to decide to use C over C++ for a project. Most OOD techniques do what they can to keep the ->virtual() to a minimum.
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