
Team projects

Started by June 23, 2005 11:33 AM
11 comments, last by Fournicolas 19 years, 7 months ago
heh, charge a fee.

No moderator response yet, I wonder if that is indicitive of a no. At least give me Caesar's thumb. I'm having all the fun of taking diff eq's, abstract algebra and coding theory over the summer, so getting a response would ceartainly make my happy happy, although I would still be willing to help develop this system, provided it was greenlighted of course.
Original post by c0dedrag0n
Question to moderators --

How difficult / feisable is it to create small group assinments, "workshops" if you will, that teach teams how to develop real world applications.

I don't think it would be that difficult at all, the question is, is that the purpose of the site, and that is not a question for the mods, it is a question for the goal planning authority for the company. It should also be said that there are plenty of educational resources out there how to build applications. This area is practically full of competing educational institutions like the guildhall at SMU, the Game Institute, etc.

It should also be said that individual community members often form their own teams for projects. I'll hazard a guess this is a roles and goals scenario for any brand in this market.


A team project that forces a group to make a working / responive UI for example, would definitely be of use as not only does this teach developers the useful skill of how to make the UI itself, but also helps build teamwork skills (invaluable). Small projects like these, with even a time constraint perhaps, can really be of great benefit.

I agree.


Nothing helps like solving a problem on your own afterall, and working in teams helps to improve communication skills. Community members can even share their results with others, which I personally believe will do more good than having a newbie ask the same "how to add ___ for their engine" question every week.

There are issues of technology advances making obsolescense a real factor in making those decisions to create this kind of resource a viable decision or not. Considering the time and effort it takes to create the resource versus the practical payoff in the community benefit for the shelf life of the resource a significant concern.

As moderators I would personally really like to see you all move beyond the role of policing your community. Try to build them up, afterall many look to you for leadership. You can help make a good site, a really great site.

This is an idea that is popular at many levels of the community, but pragmatically, most mods, like most members, have other time commitments and obligations, do the moderating on their own time gratis. This is not an overly complex resource to design, but the factors to determine it's implementation and support are beyond my bailiwick. Your idea is appears fruitful, and worth considering.


Always without desire we must be found, If its deep mystery we would sound; But if desire always within us be, Its outer fringe is all that we shall see. - The Tao

Anyway, as I had said in the thread in ideass for improvemetn part, I think that most of the people attending this forum do so because they have, deep within their hearts, the desire to get in the gaming industry.

So far, there haven't been many hugely successful games developped by only one person. At least lately. All have been developped by teams. And a good step towards entering this industry should be learning to work in teams, and being able to provide one or more completed projects, with a clear definition of what your work in it has been.

Obviously, not EVERYBODY on this forum really aims at entering this industry, but rather at making it a way of having fun while day dreaming. In my experience, there is nothing like putting both your hands into your daydreams, and pulling hard. It gives you a new view of it, simply because there are so many things you hadn't imagined about it. And one brain never think as good as a team of brains. Principle of brainstorming. Neh?
Yours faithfully, Nicolas FOURNIALS

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