
Previous contests?

Started by June 08, 2005 06:16 PM
4 comments, last by khawk 19 years, 3 months ago
I haven't been here long enough to know what the last contest was. Are there entries for previous contests floating around here somewhere? I'd really like to know what i'm up against. With a year's worth of 2D basecode built up i do stand a fighting chance i think, unless everyone else is doing some ubercool 3D extravaganza.
Yeah, have a look here for all previous and present ones. Previous 4 Elements contests are there with all the entries up for download too.

Oops, didn't see that. So obvious too...

Looks like this contest really is going to be good :-)

*cracks knuckles in anticipation*
Hmm... the GDArena Contest is not in that list.
Quote: Original post by liquidAir
Hmm... the GDArena Contest is not in that list.

That contest fell through unfortunately, and I think everything about it has been obliterated. It was a cool contest too :(
Quote: Original post by liquidAir
Hmm... the GDArena Contest is not in that list.

It was never an "official" contest, so I didn't put it up. All the files are still in the folder, so if I get some time I'll put it up again.

Sucks I lost the final version of the source code to that in a HD crash. I have a version that is about 3 weeks older, but it is missing some very important fixes.

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