
need help AI tool

Started by June 07, 2005 10:44 AM
3 comments, last by superwoman 19 years, 8 months ago
can any one tell. 1. is MinMax a AI tool or just a seaching technique??? 2. that what is fuzzy logic, neural network and genetic algorithms,, can they apply to othello game, why not? 3.i very confuse with this. coz i apply MinMax & alpha-beta to my othello game. is this an AI othello game??? helppp.. thank
A quick search with google learns that MinMax is a searching algorithm, which is used by some for Othello as well: What is this othello anyway, it looks like go on a small board.

Fuzzy logic is often used for decision making where you're not dealing with black and white issues, because it allows for 'half-trues'. See wikipedia: Talking of wikipedia, I'm sure you can find a lot of usefull information on neural networks and generic algorithms there as well. Go check it out.

I think neither neural networks nor genetic algorithms are very usefull to program a game AI in general but especially not in this case. The problem is that you'd need a lot of data to train them with, which would mean that you have a lot of games to play. I also suspect that even if you've got say a few hundred sample games, setting testing criteria for the genetic stuff would be very difficult and training a neural net wouldn't be easy either... But, look up whatever information you can find on the web and judge for yourself.

I do not understand your last question though, can't help you with that then..

Well, I'm not sure what an Othello game is, but I'll try and answer 1 and 2 as best as I can.

1. MinMax is a searching algorithm for finding the best possible move in a game. It is commonly used in games like checkers and chess. Here is an article about it.

2. Fuzzy logic is logic that can be expressed in answers besides true and false. This leads to the possibility that something is only partially true. Genetic Algorithms is a method of AI problem solving by simulating a population encoded with genes related to the problem. The population will mutate over time and converge on an answer. Neural Networks are AI simulations that can mimic real human neural networks. This can be used for pattern recognition and obstacle avoidence in a game.

The articles on the site about AI cover most of those subjects, if your interested.

EDIT: Seems I was too slow typing...[smile]
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thank for ur answer.

othello is actualy a black and white board game. to make the computer always get the corner? to u provide the game that i create is an AI game?

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