AI for a hockeygame
When designing a AI system for a 3d hockey simulator game, what methods should you use, I`m new to AI so a few code that describes the concepts will be very appriciated.
/ Christoffer Nyberg( )
Thats a rather large problem. This is because you want "human" player, and most
AI methods would calculate the perfect game (witch is imposible to beat!).
my sugestion:
#Give all your players assignments: CENTERATTACK, LEFTDEFEND...
#Give all the different assignments clues on what they should do in different game states: WE_ATTACK = GO TO X, THEY_ATTACK = BLOCK PLAYERS ...
#Figure out what state the game is in, so that all players know what they should do: WE_ATTACK, THEY_ATTACK, BREAK...
#Add a game manager witch gives special players special objectives: WHEN THEY_ATTACK, NEAREST PLAYER ATTACK PLAYER WITH PUCK. (these objectives overides other objectives.)
#Add a low level AI witch gets simple commands from the higher objectives. GO TO X, TACKLE, SHOOT, CHASE Y....
#Figure out witch low level commands should be used on each high level objective...
#Add it all together, and you got a nice hocky AI :-)
AI methods would calculate the perfect game (witch is imposible to beat!).
my sugestion:
#Give all your players assignments: CENTERATTACK, LEFTDEFEND...
#Give all the different assignments clues on what they should do in different game states: WE_ATTACK = GO TO X, THEY_ATTACK = BLOCK PLAYERS ...
#Figure out what state the game is in, so that all players know what they should do: WE_ATTACK, THEY_ATTACK, BREAK...
#Add a game manager witch gives special players special objectives: WHEN THEY_ATTACK, NEAREST PLAYER ATTACK PLAYER WITH PUCK. (these objectives overides other objectives.)
#Add a low level AI witch gets simple commands from the higher objectives. GO TO X, TACKLE, SHOOT, CHASE Y....
#Figure out witch low level commands should be used on each high level objective...
#Add it all together, and you got a nice hocky AI :-)
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