Yes, I'm linking to both of them.
ConnectEx / DisconnectEx are in neither.
I've tried this with those libraries as well as all others I found that had anything to do with WinSock:
HMODULE hDLL = LoadLibrary("mswsock.dll");if(hDLL == NULL) printf("ERROR LoadLibrary: %d\n", GetLastError());else printf("Library loaded!\n");FARPROC func = GetProcAddress(hDLL, "ConnectEx");if(func == NULL) printf("ERROR GetProcAddress: %d\n", GetLastError());else printf("Function address found!\n");FreeLibrary(hDLL);
ConnectEx is never found.
Is it supposed to be in the DLL?
What exactly does WSAIoctl do when loading a function, why am I supposed to do that instead of loading it from a DLL the normal way? (supposing it is in a DLL and not something else)
AcceptEx as well as TransmitFile are in the mswsock.dll
They are also in the mswsock.lib so I can just get the prototype from the MSWsock.h file and use them without loading them with WSAIoctl, I thought I had to do that with ConnectEx because it's not in a normal DLL...
This is what MSDN says about AcceptEx:
Client ..._many systems_...
Server ..._many systems_...
Header Declared in Mswsock.h.
Library Link to Mswsock.lib.
DLL Requires Mswsock.dll.
On ConnectEx it doesnt list any DLL:
Client Requires Windows XP.
Server Requires Windows Server 2003.
Header Declared in Mswsock.h.
[Edited by - Erik Rufelt on June 4, 2005 11:16:05 PM]