
What goes into making a game? Help please.

Started by May 20, 2005 10:31 AM
1 comment, last by Gyrthok 19 years, 8 months ago
ok, so i have just finished a degree in computer science thinking that it will help me get a job programming in the games industry. well to be honest, i dont think i have done that well (waiting for my results) and i am so sick of programming now after doing it for 4 years. its got me thinking whether im cut out to work as a programmer at all. i know i want to work in the games industry, its all i've ever wanted to do but now i dont think its going to be in the programming parts of game development. so it got me thinking, what other aspects are there in game development and what exactly do they do? i know the basics such as designers, artists etc but when i thought about it i dont really know what they do. for example, im guessing artists are the ones that draw the characters design on paper. so who puts those drawing into a 3D modeller?? is it the same artist or someone else, and also who then animates it? a third guy? well anyway, i've been playing around with 3D modellers for quite some time now (even used one of my models in my final project) and i thought,'hey, why not see what it take to become that guy that takes the drawings on paper and puts them into the computer and maybe animate them too'. so, i guess what i want to know is, who does this job? the artists or someone else? and also, what qualifications/skills will i need to get into this field? now, please dont tell me to go do my research because its easy to find. trust me i have and there are a few things i've found out, i just want some 'up-to-date' info and opinions. thanks in advance.
Just to (un)qualify this post, I am at present time a total amateur, bedroom game developer.

Keeping that in mind, as I understand it (from reading job classifieds here on GDnet, gamasutra, etc), a modeler, someone who produces 3d models from concept art, is a member of the art team. There is also a texture artist, who produces skins for these models. Depending on the size of the company/game development team, the concept artist, modeler, and texture artist may be the same person, all the way up to having separate teams for each role.

An indie team could really benefit from your dual skill set of programming and modeling.
Abbid, please refrain from Double Posting in different forum sections. One post in one section is enough. ;D

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