
Ahem.. Listen to this:

Started by November 16, 2000 01:53 PM
5 comments, last by MR_MASTER 24 years, 1 month ago
I bet this subject got your attention... Any way, I am having a slight problem with my code... It is in qbasic at the moment but that is just easy to try out stuff, I''ll port it to C or some other lang when I know excatly what I am doing and qbasic saves ya a lot of time compiling and so on. Hummm... I am drifting of here... As for my problem.... I have this small thing wich loops over the x and y axis and calculates the 3d position of that pixel given that the only thing visible is a plane at y=-1 so it only loops the ScreenResolution/2 +1 to last_scan_line. Then it takes from a height map, a height and draws a line from x,y to x,y-height. This produces a landscape of planes. So I decided to add a sort of spline smoothing. This has sort of messed up... can any one tell me what is wrong... this can be ported to vb as well..

CONST corr = 512		''fish-eye correction in 3d formula
CONST y = 1			''the y value of the plane
CONST res = 60			''resolution of map

DIM map(-res TO res, -res TO res) AS INTEGER	''my height map

RANDOMIZE TIMER		''Need good random values for heightmap

FOR x = -res TO res
    FOR x1 = -res TO res
        map(x, x1) = (RND * 30)		''fill up  map with rnd
    NEXT x1

SCREEN 12		''set screen to 640*480*16

LINE (0, 0)-(640, 270), 1, BF		''draw a sort of sky
FOR y1 = 241 TO 480 STEP 1		''loop over scan lines
    tz = y / ((y1 - 240) / corr)	''y map cord dirived from scanline
    fz = ((tz - INT(tz)) / 3) + (1 / 3)	''should be the y spline fraction
    iz = INT(tz)			''get integer part of map cord
    FOR x = 0 TO 640 STEP 1		''loop over x axis
        tx = tz * ((x - 320) / corr)	''x map cord from screen x
        f = ((tx - INT(tx)) / 3) + (1 / 3)	''? x spline fraction
        i = INT(tx)			''integer part of x-map
        IF tx >= -res AND tx <= res AND tz >= -res AND tz <= res THEN
	    ''the next two lines are messy, but they should calculate 
	    ''a x and y spline respectively hx and hz
	    ''they are then evend out and used as height correction
            hx = (f ^ 3) * map(i - 1, iz) + 3 * (f * f) * (1 - f) * map(i, iz) + 3 * f * (1 - f) * (1 - f) * map(i + 1, iz) + (1 - f) * (1 - f) * (1 - f) * map(i + 2, iz)
            hz = (fz ^ 3) * map(i, iz - 1) + 3 * (fz * fz) * (1 - fz) * map(i, iz) + 3 * fz * (1 - fz) * (1 - fz) * map(i, iz + 1) + (1 - fz) * (1 - fz) * (1 - fz) * map(i, iz + 2)
            h = (hx + hz) * .5		''even out
            LINE (x, y1)-(x, y1 - h), h / 2	''draw line
        END IF
    NEXT x
end					''done
any sugestions? any one? EOT MR Master
EOT MR Master
Should I port this to C to get any attention?

EOT MR Master
EOT MR Master
some how I knew this one was coming...

EOT MR Master
EOT MR Master
quote: Original post by MR_MASTER
I bet this subject got your attention...

And I bet the first line lost it ...

I did something very similar to that in QBasic, which makes the fact that I can''t make any sense out of your code all the more interesting.
Think the only question you should have asked is should I port it. Infact I think you knew the correct answer to that before asking

All messages are of my own personal opinion and
not meant to offend. But if they do - tough

-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.

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