
How would I...

Started by November 16, 2000 10:52 AM
3 comments, last by Xain 24 years, 3 months ago
How do you tell if a point collides with a line?
Original post by Xain

How do you tell if a point collides with a line?

Check to see if that point satisfies the equation of the line:
(y1 - y2) == (slope)(x1-x2)

(x1,y1) is a point on the line.
slope is the slope of the line.
(x2,y2) is the point you are checking.

If the equation is satisfied then the point collides with the line.

Probably not the simplest of answers but...

line_dist = dist( l1, l2 )
dist1 = dist( point, l1 )
dist2 = dist( point, l2 )
fudge_factor = 0 // this should probably be 1 to account for rounding errors

if ( line_dist + fudge_factor >= dist1 + dist2 ) {
// collision
Andrew, so if x1, y1 is just a point on a line, do I have to perform this check many times to cover the whole line?
Original post by Xain

Andrew, so if x1, y1 is just a point on a line, do I have to perform this check many times to cover the whole line?

No. All you need is the general equation of the line.

For example.
You know that point (x1,y1) = (3,4) is on the line.
You know that the line has a slope of 2.
General Equation: (4-y2) = 2*(3-x2).

You can use this equation to see if any point collides with that line.

(x2,y2) = (2,2)
(4-2) = 2(3-2)
2 = 2 -> OK. Collision

(x2,y2) = (3,5)
(4-5) = 2(3-3)
-1 = 0 NOT OK. no collision

Just form the general equation and you can check any point that would be anywhere on the line.


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