
Class constructor problem

Started by November 15, 2000 02:20 PM
12 comments, last by nino 24 years, 1 month ago
i''m making a pong game for my first game and i have 3 classes: CBall, Cpong and Cpaddle and i want to include 2 instances of CPaddle as private data members of CPong here is the code for the CPong.h file class CPong { public: CPong(); ~CPong(); private: //my problem is here: CPaddle Player1("images/bluechucks.bmp"); CPaddle Player2("images/yellowchucks.bmp"); }; my problem is with creating the CPaddle objects I get this error: error C2059: syntax error : ''string'' i think this error means that you can''t send stuff to the CPaddle constructor if it''s in a class definition. how can i make it so that i can send something to the CPaddle class constructor? thanks in advance NiNo
You need to put the accepted parameters in an overloaded constructor


CPaddle(const char *szName)
sorry i forgot to say that i did that here''s my overloaded constructor


so i know it sends it there but it won''t let me do it in the class definition


You need to put the accepted parameters in an overloaded constructor


CPaddle(const char *szName)

wrong . Its the way you defined your file path, nino. I had this same problem a while ago - in C++, the "\" character is used for stuff like tabbing (\t), line carriage (\n), etc. What causes the error is C++ interprets "images/bluechucks.bmp" as "images \b luechucks.bmp". Since there is no such thing as "\b", you get the error. How do you fic it? Simple - use "\\". Peace.

"Need more eeenput..."

- #5, "Short Circuit"

Edited by - Gaiiden on November 15, 2000 3:32:23 PM

Edited by - Gaiiden on November 15, 2000 3:43:16 PM

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

you need a variable name as well
Gaiiden that''s not the problem i used the same string in a different function and it works fine also i used
these / not \

Twoflower even if i use a variable it gives the same error

can anyone help me!!!!??!?!?

I''ve just re-read your orignal question and it seems I missed the obvious.

You CAN''T call an overloaded constructor from the class definition since this is just a definition, not actual code.
quote: Original post by nino

Gaiiden that''s not the problem i used the same string in a different function and it works fine also i used
these / not \


Yeah, you did didn''t you? Huh. Never tried that. Guess it would work tho. Ah well, tried.

"Need more eeenput..."

- #5, "Short Circuit"

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

thanks for trying at least Gaiiden

TwoFlower: if i can''t call an overloaded constructor from a class definition then how can i call it?
i''ve tried doing it in a function and it works fine but then as soon as that function ends the instance gets destroyed

how can i make it so that i can call the CPaddle constructor automatically when the CPong class is created but still have the CPaddle instance usable throughout the whole life of the CPong class?

thanks alot guys


I think you''re gonna have to create a seperate method for the CPaddle class which does the same as you constructer would, then call this method from the CPong constructor.

I could be wrong of course, but AFAIK that''s how to do it.

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