Below is a light description of the battle system to help anyone understand a little more about it.
Battle GUI Descriptions:Summon Mana Bar - The summon mana bar will have the summon spirit name above it and to the right of the name it will display the mana points that the summon spirit has left. For example 64/102 this means the summon has 64 mana points left out of 102 mana points. The bar will be a blue color to represent mana and will the bar will decrease as mana is used in conjunction to the text mana points that are to the right of the summon name. Character display box: The character display box will have a picture representing the character in the top left of the box. Beside that will be the character name and to the right of the will have the characters current level. The hp bar will be red in color and decrease "to the left" in conjunction when the player takes damage and hit points are decreased from the total max hit points. The bar will also increase to the right when the player regains health from using a health restore potion or a health restore spell. The characters mana bar works just as the summon mana bar. Read summon mana bar for a description on it. The character turn bar will start out fully decreased meaning you will not see it. Once the battle has started the bar will start to increase and once it has fully increased to its max it will be the characters turn and he can attack, summon, flee etc. Enemy display box: The enemy display box will represent the enemy statistics that the player is battling with. At the top left of the box there will be a picture of the enemy. To the right of that will be the enemy name and to the right of that will be the enemy's level. The enemy hp bar represents the enemy's current health condition. It will decrease and increase as needed. The text hp points will also increase and decrease as needed in conjunction with the hp bar. The enemy turn bar works just as the characters turn bar. Read character turn bar above under Character display box for more information on it. The green box outlining the enemy character box in the top left of the picture will indicate on the players move, when he selects to attack and enemy, that he is currently selecting this enemy to attack. The player will be able to switch between enemy's to attack and when the player switches enemy's to attack the green highlight will move over to the new enemy character box to show that this enemy is now currently selected.