
Clustering and infrastructure of massive multiplayer game engine?

Started by November 14, 2000 12:26 AM
0 comments, last by ohman 24 years, 3 months ago
Anyone know anything about this? Could you please share the information that you know of or any information about how other companies did their infrastructure and clustering for their games? Thanks!
Thanks for your help, my dear friends!
I can comment on how Verant set up Everquest.

1)Patch Server
2)Login / Chat Server (later split onto 2 seperate machines
3)World Server
4)Zone Servers

The Patch Server is nothing more than a glorified FTP Server. The Login / Chat Servers handle exactly what their name implies. The World Server handles logging you onto the world, looking up your characters in the database, and all inter-zone communication. The zone servers are responsible for NPC Spawning, Character movement and position updates... They normally run up to 3 zones on the same machine(Something like a Compaq 800R).

Picture the World Server as a ''controller'' of sorts, with all zone servers as ''slaves'' in a star pattern. The login/chat/patch servers are fairly unrelated to the design of the game, they could have been implemented as DPlay lobbies if they had used DirectPlay.

That what you''re looking for?

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