
Art Style Sheet

Started by November 13, 2000 08:11 AM
2 comments, last by Singa 24 years, 1 month ago
Does anyone know how to set up a style sheet for art. I''m working on a game with several artists and I need to make some kind of style sheet to make sure the overall style of the game will be the same. Of course I see what they make and I can intervene in time, but giving them a style sheet would save a lot time. I have made some kind of a draft already, but that not yet what it should be. Thanks in advance.
okay, i''ve never heard of a style sheet. what is it? is it like a production template for film stills, like storyboard format or what?

------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
Yes something like that. The most important fuction is to avoid art from different artists to be very different. While both artists might be very good, the combination of their art might look like shit.
I don''t know how to setup a proper art style sheet, that''s why I posted this request.

Well, I dunno neither, but maybe some ideas :

Write a background universe that will actually help your artists "think" about what they are doing. If your game is set after the Templar order has been declared heretics, your artists wont have the very un-clever idea to design your Templar characters wearing big white coats with a massive red cross on it (the Templar order symbol)...

Or maybe you are talking more about the actual drawing style ? Like manga style, or clear line style, or american comic style... in which case the only real solution I can see would be to gather your artists and decide once and for all the type of line you want, and they can all stick to it ?

Documentation is useful. Real Life pictures of architecture, vehicles, vegetation, animals, etc... to set the atmospehere, and so that artists have a basis on which to work ?
Typical cloth, etc.

Or are you talking about something totally different ?

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !

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