How do use LoadBitmap to load bitmaps in GDI. I really need to know this as soon as possible. Please give me many ways to do this.
Try looking in the Microsoft Windows SDK. All the information is in there.
Here is some code from my Delphi game engine to load a bitmap into a DirectDraw surface.
Steve ''Sly'' Williams
Tools Developer
Krome Studios
var hbmBitmap: HBITMAP; hdcImage: HDC; hdcSurf: HDC; DDSD: TDDSurfaceDesc2;begin Log(''Loading '' + AFilename); FFilename := AFilename; if (Length(AFilename) = 0) or (AFilename = ''[Primary]'') or (AFilename = ''[BackBuffer]'') then Exit; hbmBitmap := 0; hdcImage := 0; hdcSurf := 0; { Auto-create the surface here if required from the bitmap dimensions. } if not SurfaceValid then begin if GetBitmapSize then CreateSurface else raise ESlyDXSurfaceError.Create(''LoadFromFile: Error retrieving bitmap info from file '' + FFilename); end; ZeroMemory(@DDSD, SizeOf(TDDSurfaceDesc2)); DDSD.dwSize := SizeOf(TDDSurfaceDesc2); try { Get the surface description. } DDCheck(FSurface.GetSurfaceDesc(DDSD), ''LoadFromFile: Error getting surface description''); { Try to load the bitmap. } hbmBitmap := LoadImage(0, PChar(FFilename), IMAGE_BITMAP, DDSD.dwWidth, DDSD.dwHeight, LR_LOADFROMFILE or LR_CREATEDIBSECTION); if hbmBitmap = 0 then raise ESlyDXSurfaceError.Create(''LoadFromFile: Error loading file '' + FFilename); { Create a compatible DC and select the image into it. } hdcImage := CreateCompatibleDC(0); SelectObject(hdcImage, hbmBitmap); { Get a DC for the surface. } DDCheck(FSurface.GetDC(hdcSurf), ''LoadFromFile: Error getting a DC for the surface''); { The BitBlt will perform format conversion as necessary. } if not BitBlt(hdcSurf, 0, 0, DDSD.dwWidth, DDSD.dwHeight, hdcImage, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) then raise ESlyDXSurfaceError.Create(''LoadFromFile: Error copying bitmap to surface DC''); finally { Clean up everything. } if hdcSurf <> 0 then FSurface.ReleaseDC(hdcSurf); if hdcImage <> 0 then DeleteDC(hdcImage); if hbmBitmap <> 0 then DeleteObject(hbmBitmap); end;end;
Steve ''Sly'' Williams
Tools Developer
Krome Studios
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