I''m working on card game on the side of a computer game project. The card game deals with all area''s on nuclear technologies from satilites to Nuclear Defence Systems and Remote Control Flying Vechials. But all in all there are two Basic levels of Technology in the game:
1. Manned Technology
2. Un-manned Technology
This is how i''m splitting it up to explain it to the player. Manned Technology requires access to your population, this is what you''ve got to knock off other people to win. unmanned technology is what you use to attack or defend yourself eg. Titan IV missiles, Cobalt Bombs, MiDAS defence systems etc. An example of Manned technology is Propaganda Radio station ,Air Force Base or Nuclear Silo.
But how the technology structure operates is that certain things have to be built before you can go on to make the more powerful weapons and capabilities. So choosing when to strike or prepare for defence becomes the most important element, second to that is knowing how much power to strike with (100mt payload will piss someone off pretty bad) is crucial also as not to encourage unwanted retaliations ("hit him, i only hit you lightly remember" or "use that on me and forget about building that lovely space station you''ve got planned").
"So you''re the one that designed that game are you?"
*Gulp* "Umm, yeah"