
Systems of Technology

Started by November 12, 2000 03:52 AM
10 comments, last by dwarfsoft 24 years, 3 months ago
After being recently accused (for a greater good of the doc) by Matrix.. I just wanted to propose the following question. What is a good system for technology that can be included in RPG''s? It runs similar to the part about Systems of Magic, only this is to expand on RPG''s as fantasy into the realms of RPG''s as sci-fi, or at least modern day. What is an alternative to systems of swordfighting and systems of magic. Seeing as I am more attuned to the fantasy side of things, I need a bit of help . -Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche
  I''m out of ideas...

"All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be --Pink Floyd
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself.
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
What sort of technologies are we talking about here? Boom Boom? Click Clack? Ding Ding technologies? There''s many different forms of technology. Nano, geno, chemical, mechanical, silicon, etc, etc the list goes on.

"So you''re the one that designed that game are you?"
*Gulp* "Umm, yeah"
Well..... for games in a cyber punk setting, magic could be replaced by programming skillz.

In a more space-age game, magic could be replaced by cybernetics. Just look at Deus Ex for example.

Modern day magic is explosions and tear gas.
-Forcaswriteln("Does this actually work?");
Hmmm... I like that idea about using programming skills. I''ll have to think about that and see if I can come up an idea for implementing a system like that without requiring the players to be coders.

Now for some reason I''m picturing a sort-of satire game where the boss taunts you with, "i m l33t h4x0r!" hehe

 Aeon Software

Next thing you know, they''ll take my thoughts away.
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"
The reason why I give no indication as to WHAT technologies is because I want YOUR opinions. I am a fantasy gamer... What do you expect?

I like the programming idea - I had an idea for a game where you actually program your game through it... Wouldn''t that be new

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche
I''m planning on having an item-oriented skill system in my game, where the player gains skill in using each ofthe objects he has. For this to work, there have to be a bunch of unique objects, so I was planning on having a system whereby the player could assemble items from parts or modules. They could put batteries, laser units, focusing chambers, aiming reticules, dampened stocks, etc, and the items would all be different. Just my take on how I''m gonna handle technology.
Assassin, aka RedBeard.
Well, the issue becomes "what''s the tech for?"

Usually, it''s just for fighting. So in an CRPG(-like?) like Fallout, the system is varying guns. Range, rate of fire, accuracy, weight / kick, and ammo and damage type (armor piercing, hollowpoint, etc) become issues for the system to deal with. There are countless varieties on this, just as there are countless swords, and what you use depends on situation. And this isn''t even touching futuristic ("phased plasma rifle, in 40-watt range" )

Other systems depend on how much you''re willing to invest in a certain type of gameplay. You could have issues of varying drugs and treatments vs. bacteria and virii if you flesh out medicine.

You could have systems that deal with gathering information (spy cameras, infrared equipment, disguised devices) if you flesh out spying.

There are lots and lots of choices. In fact, the comparitive complexity level of modern or futuristic times gives you, depending on your perspective, a boon or bane of possibilities.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Oh yeah, at the basic level, most SF and modern seems to cover:

Vehicles / Starships
Devices / Artifacts

SF seems to cover
Mutants / Genetics
"The Net"

These are often just expected parts, and a game lacking them would kinda be like a fantasy game w/o knights, elves, or dragons.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Technology partitioned by function:
Information Processing

Break these down further:


Voice / audio

Genetic altering

Production efficiency
Design to product speed
Materials science

Information Processing:
Computing speed
Computer architecture


Natural resource detection and extraction

Food production
Food quality

"To understand the horse you'll find that you're going to be working on yourself. The horse will give you the answers and he will question you to see if you are sure or not."
- Ray Hunt, in Think Harmony With Horses
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