
another magic idea

Started by November 11, 2000 08:15 PM
26 comments, last by Nazrix 24 years, 3 months ago
LOL Forneiq... True it is. I can''t tell which is mine and which is Naz sometimes

OK... As for bosses... I LOVE IT... and about charging around looking for powerup stations, why? Why not allow the character to concentrate more on other methods of attacks etc. This way, they get to build up in many areas instead of getting away with over-specialising in one (until they are effectively invincible).

As for powering up crystal stores... I like it... But you would have to have some way of expelling the charge effectively... This might require the aid of technology (just a suggestion) or a magical device (untouched by charges). From this, the magic use is stemmed towards whatever task.

This stemming can be used to advantage by you while disallowing the enemy the chance to use it (unless they cast a spell to steal energy or drain the energy).

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche
Original post by Nazrix
I just had a wierd, under-developed idea about limiting magic. What if a char had to go to some place in the world to sort of "charge up" his magic once a day or week or something in order to use it. This would mean that the player would have to plan ahead.

And magicians would have to wear funny hats... I would make spells weaker and possibly dangerous for wizard himself.
magic decay?
what about Sadiria in the Dark Sun(tm) books?
she got a certain amount of magic energy from the sun during the day.. and when it was gone at night.. it was gone.. until the next day.. when she could re-charge...

or the freak-thingy in cinnibar shadows (another dark sun book)
she had to eat these cinnibar seeds for her power..

No More Clones!
Stop The Madness!
Anyone ever looked at the Birthright campaign setting for D&D?
In that magical power was formed in areas of great natural beauty. Mages could set up their power supply by forging ley lines between them, combining the power of several magic rich areas into one. Of course, other mages could sometimes tap into the lay lines of others, or break them altogether...
Here''s an idea: auras. Near a sacred temple, evil spells would have lesser effects, neutral stay the same, and good have amplified effects. Or near the temple of a fire god or something, fire spells would get stronger. Things could be enchanted by powerful wizards to give off an aura. And the place you are in could affect the rate your mana (if you use mana in your game) recharges.

And not only magical things, If you''re by an ocean, then water magic could be stronger, fire for volanoes, etc. And near an ancient battle field, divination and necromanic spells could be greater. You''d have to come up with a system to make the game recongize these auras, say the ''holy water'' in a temple causes teh good aura, etc.
Ok... I am adding some of these ideas in to the doc... I especially like the location based aura modifications .

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche
By the time you''re done you''ll have some kickin magic. I think the main idea in this thread is that magic should be dynamic. It should not be a menu item with consistant effects. Or at least the effects should be consistant but not predictable. They should change in power depending on certain criteria. Some interesting criteria that magic could be affected by:
Experience of caster
Several billion trillion tons of superhot exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above the horizon and managed to look small, cold and slightly damp.-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
And possible COUNTER spells as well

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche

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