
Linux Installation

Started by November 11, 2000 01:08 AM
5 comments, last by Shannon Barber 23 years, 10 months ago
I know this is supposed to be about game development, and that''s my eventual objective; however, I can''t get Linux installed... I have redhat v6.1, and have made a boot disk using the rawrite & boot.img provided. The problem is, whenever I (try) to boot off the disk the computer reboots shortly before it finishes loading... I get the ''choose text, expert, or just continue'' screen, and it loads two files (forget thier names...), then reboots. It reboots if I just hit enter, do ''expert'' or ''text'' P90, 32MB, S3 virge, WD 2GB HD, ATAPI CDRom... I tried several different disk, did full formats first just to make sure... I can install windows95 without any problems (well other than the built-in "features") Any thoughts on what the cause/source could be, and what I can do about it?
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
I've had nothing but trouble with Red Hat (my machine freezes when trying to load RH 6.2, but works fine on almost all other machines I've tried). I have no idea what causes the reboot of your computer, but I would recommend trying another distro, such as SuSE, Mandrake or Slackware (or a newer version of Red Hat, they're up to 7.0 now ). I know it really doesn't help you with your problem, but that's my advice...

Edited by - Muzzafarath on November 11, 2000 7:07:05 AM
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I also would recommend SuSE but it''s a much more complicated install than RH. You could also try Mandrake which is the easiest I have seen to install. Or try setting your computer to boot from CD and go from there...

Headhunter Soft
DLC Multimedia
[Cyberdrek | ]
MB''s too old to boot from CD

could I toss the HD in another computer install Linux, and put it in the older computer?

Or will Linux get pissed like M$ OS''s do?
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
I just got Caldera OpenLinux (desktop 2.4) and LOVE IT! Installation was fairly easy (AMD 80MHz, 48MB RAM, 2 HDDs, sound, ether). I did have to hand edit some init files to get the sound and ether working though (they required resource parameters). And, the minimum install is a whopping 200MB+. However, the default kernel and modules have support for evrything (can be rebuilt and optimized fairly easily for your system), it includes tons of tools which are easy to install, source code for everything, and is appearently the only 100% self-hosting distro (i.e. it includes everything you need to recompile everything). If it sounds like it fits your bill... and for only 30 USD.

David Owen
I recently installed Armed Linux and that was easy, very easy. No need to repartition your HDD and it finds most hardware. I say most as it did not pick up my graphics card.

"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day!"
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day!"
Magmai - that sounds like a good solution. Just be carefule setting up the hardware, for example select the standard VGA16 X server instead of anything chip-specific. You can go back and change that when the HDD is back in its home. No, it won''t behave like MS Windows.


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